ok, this post should be better
although, im not sure the pics are not in the right order:
we actually moved a full drum kit into this part of the main building! the reverb in there was unbelievable!!
video footage exists but is so far unreleased, its part of a friends unfinnished film.
it is hard to grasp how huge the place was from these pictures really..
some more shots of the lovely control room:
we also had permission to write some "poetry" across the floor!
(more film footage)
finally here are some cooling towers:
again.. hard to get a feel for the size of the space on film..
we took in clarinets, accordians, recorders and bongo drums.. superb reverb! more like a tripple tap delay really.. the sound just bounced around like mad. i have a mini disc of this somewhere,

we actually moved a full drum kit into this part of the main building! the reverb in there was unbelievable!!
video footage exists but is so far unreleased, its part of a friends unfinnished film.

it is hard to grasp how huge the place was from these pictures really..

some more shots of the lovely control room:

we also had permission to write some "poetry" across the floor!
finally here are some cooling towers:

again.. hard to get a feel for the size of the space on film..

we took in clarinets, accordians, recorders and bongo drums.. superb reverb! more like a tripple tap delay really.. the sound just bounced around like mad. i have a mini disc of this somewhere,