Just a quick couple.
This is only a small building, so there aren’t many photo’s. But due to its significance I’ve decided to post it. It’s positioned on an old military airfield which was handed over in ’94 and is just in occasional civilian use. Visited with Gingrove.
I couldn’t hear any jet engines, so decide its safe enough to pop in:

The observation windows are set at angles…just in case…

Looking the other way:

I love that the “Exhaust residue may damage painted surfaces” has damaged the painted surface of the sign!

Right onto the hardened hangar...
This is a Hardened Aircraft Shelter (HAS), which housed F-111’s fighters throughout the cold war, and the Gulf war. I know it’s essentially a big empty room, but I’d never seen one before, let alone been inside, so I was quite excitable.
Wasn’t he the fella from the Terminator movies?

Enter: (Didn’t realised I’d captured Gingrove on the left, lol!)

The Hangar:
You can see the construction is ribbed metal, onto which they have poured thick, thick concrete from the outside. Designed to take a direct hit.

Blast deflector at rear:

Blast deflector close up

There were a few remnants from its glory days. There was information stencilled onto the walls which had been painted over in censoring black blocks. But there was also the ‘lifeline’ connection for the aircraft still hanging up, as well as headphones, and telephones.

Time to exit:


Thanks for looking!
This is only a small building, so there aren’t many photo’s. But due to its significance I’ve decided to post it. It’s positioned on an old military airfield which was handed over in ’94 and is just in occasional civilian use. Visited with Gingrove.
I couldn’t hear any jet engines, so decide its safe enough to pop in:

The observation windows are set at angles…just in case…

Looking the other way:

I love that the “Exhaust residue may damage painted surfaces” has damaged the painted surface of the sign!

Right onto the hardened hangar...
This is a Hardened Aircraft Shelter (HAS), which housed F-111’s fighters throughout the cold war, and the Gulf war. I know it’s essentially a big empty room, but I’d never seen one before, let alone been inside, so I was quite excitable.
Wasn’t he the fella from the Terminator movies?

Enter: (Didn’t realised I’d captured Gingrove on the left, lol!)

The Hangar:
You can see the construction is ribbed metal, onto which they have poured thick, thick concrete from the outside. Designed to take a direct hit.

Blast deflector at rear:

Blast deflector close up

There were a few remnants from its glory days. There was information stencilled onto the walls which had been painted over in censoring black blocks. But there was also the ‘lifeline’ connection for the aircraft still hanging up, as well as headphones, and telephones.

Time to exit:


Thanks for looking!