Dance Academy / New Palace Theatre, Plymouth, July 08

Derelict Places

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May 8, 2008
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Cornwall / Devon border
It's been a long time coming this site...

much planning and waiting, finally paid off.
the text's were sent, the plan was in place, the meet was arranged.

Went with Scotty, and Scrub2000,
For the people in Plymouth or know Plymouth, I dont really need to write anything as you'll already know.
For everyone else, here is a link....
history of the site.

the site is not as bad as we were lead to believe, yes, there was a damp problem but it was not falling around you and felt stable under foot.
there was alot of kit all over the place, most of it was old i think.
what ever room you went in to there were old lights, TVs, videos, drink bottles, rubble.

on the top floor is where the owner apperently lived and it looked like he did.
couple of beds, front room, kitchen and 2 offices.
We've seen a lot of this site but there is still bits we missed and even more bits we did not take pics of.

not really sure what else to say, I'm still buzzing. if you have any questions ask and i'll do my best to answer them.

on to the pics.














Thanks for looking and hope you enjoy!​
cracking site.

need to go back and see the bits we missed and take pics of the rest.



















Heh brings back memories.

The place was only closed after a massive drugs raid by the police which got quite nasty. I don't think it's actually gone to court yet, but once it does there's a reasonably good chance it will re-open again.
Hi Krela,
Thanks for your comments, Yeah there was still evidence of the bust, not just by the state of the place but by the blue latex search gloves laying about, the trial has been and gone, more info here---->

Word has it that the local council are looking to purchase it, so is very unlikely that the 'Dance Academy' we all knew will return as we used to know it, but we'll all still have plenty of memories of the old place..
gentlemen....******* OUTSTANDING

outstanding, thanks for trying to get hold of me, i was dead to the world having been working all day etc and had a silly busy week.... today well im feeling the same as i did the morning after the club got raided....:neutral: really gutted i didnt make it, its an amazing achievement, amazing

just glad you all made it back with the pics....

NEXT TIME BOYS ILL BE THERE>>>.........................
just had this reply from a very good mate of mine, one of my propper DA buddies....

"Wow thats immense mate, when was that done? That was so surreal to look at, especially with all the drinks bottles just left as they were 2 yeras ago when it was shut. Thats amazin mate seriously."

Wow that place is tops !!

Them toilet shots must get the "best toilets of the year" award.

Really amazing place to get into well done.
Awesome place,kinda old and original mixed with trashy nightclub.Good to see some of the original fixtures showing through though.Nicely done guys,good work:):exclaim:
top job guys, i had a feeling this one was coming up soon. looks like you could have spent hours in there... once again, nice one!
wow nice pics guys!

Gutted couldn't have been there. Would have been difficult as been sent to the US with work :neutral:

Glad you finally got in there. How did it feel to be in that place?
I really, really do like this. Especially how they've incorporated all the old decor from it's life as a theatre, with the new bits added to turn it into a nightclub. Love all the old balcony's and the plasterwork in there. Nice to see the Val Doonican chair in the upstair flat. What was the room with all the sofa's, two high seats, and the round windows? i like that room as well. You can see the lovely plasterwork in there at the top of the room (just below the ceiling) too.

Excellent pics,


:) Sal
Hello again everyone and thanks for all the comments, and thanks again to everyone involved in this site,
Kernow please pass that on to your DA buddy too,
had to be done didn't it Stiggy, been on the list far too long!

Had mixed feelings about this place, an awsome explore with so much to see, real rush when we finally got in and happy with that, but did bring back a lot of memories of times past, so also a lil sicky feeling knowing the place will never be the same again, and to see the state it's in in places, parts closed off to the public due to 'rather moist' floorboards etc, was great to get behind the scenes as usual, and yes MrStabFace we did manage to get inside that tower but a shame it was a room with no view! :confused:

Saigon.... those toilets... I was most gutted with them, why the hell did we never get ones as good as that eh? :lol:

Johno23 I'm pretty sure that one of the licencing conditions years back was that the original fixtures were preserved, probably being why most of the plaster work etc remains in place today, never really noticed it when I used to go there, mind you I used to be quite mashed by the time I got in and had my mind on other things, could have done with hearing a few of the classic tunes in there again, may have to load the mp3 for next time!

Hello again Sal, thanks for your comments too, always known that area as being the 'chill out' room, not sure what it was used for originally though!​
thanks all.

I feel a bit rude going to this site and not having any history behind it like the other two or any one else that will go here.
but still, it was a great site to do, really happy i could explore with them lycos and scrub and liscen to all the old war stories. :)

there is so much of the old site left alone and touched. there is a old lift shaft, complete with lifts and motor.
there is still the old stage rope tie off thingys, sorry dont know the name. but there is a gantry walk way that over looks the main stage (now the DJ booth) with all the ropes and pullies.
wanted to get a pic but hard to get up to with a camera, may be next time.

there was access to the roof and access to the big tower with the walk way all round it.
was tempted but did not want to get caught.

also, the malt house next door is not to bad. most of the floors are walk able and seem stable apart from the top 2, theses are rotton and you can see the lower levels from there.
o yeah, and scrub got hit in the face by pigeon thanks to lycos. lol
fantastic pictures - have been dying to know what it all looks like inside now. everytime we drive past i always wonder if anyone had managed to get in and photograph it.

Heres hoping PCC do something sensible with it rather than just knocking what was a beautiful building down.
Cracking explore folks, and top photos - you never cease to impress :)

Plymouth must be the capital of abandoned leisure sites surely?

I'm dying to see an abandoned theatre/cinema :)
Cracking explore folks, and top photos - you never cease to impress :)

Plymouth must be the capital of abandoned leisure sites surely?

I'm dying to see an abandoned theatre/cinema :)

it might be true.
me and scrub has another site up our sleaves :)