St Edmund's Hospital in Northampton

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Apr 14, 2013
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I took my wife into Northants to see the hairdresser & rather than go home & come out again I wandered round here.
On 5th Jul 12, 17:01 bigtip did a report on the building site part & it looks like they have run out of money and hit a planning glitch
Historical info here
I went into the front facing building which doesn't seem to show in the other report - maybe it was better secured then. Now it's wide open with only fecal evidence of the guard dogs as advertised on all the keep out signs.
It's well trashed with lots of RSJ's holding it upright but still retains much of its original NHS carpet Also shows evidence of substantial fire damage.

Ground floor

Foyer by Infraredd, on Flickr

Grand by Infraredd, on Flickr

Staff by Infraredd, on Flickr

Gone by Infraredd, on Flickr

Chair by Infraredd, on Flickr

Window by Infraredd, on Flickr

Upper floors

Floor? by Infraredd, on Flickr

Stair by Infraredd, on Flickr

Skylight by Infraredd, on Flickr

Fire by Infraredd, on Flickr

Exit by Infraredd, on Flickr

7 years by Infraredd, on Flickr

Last vestiges of a hospital

Day by Infraredd, on Flickr

Considering it closed in 1998 and was still intact in 2000 I think the re development of the overall site has destroyed the place
Thanks for looking
The front facing building has been open for a while now. I certainly paid a visit as early back as Late Winter last year and you can practically walk in then.
nice to see some shots from here
it hasn't changed much :(
i heard the council had bought it ?
It's "owned" by a company in Cyprus with planning permission granted to redevelop the area into a nursing home. A few of the buildings are listed as they are the only example of a particular famous architects work (the name escapes me).

Other than knocking down the bits they were allowed too and building the Profitable parts such as the Buffet place and Tesco little has been done to the site in at least the last decade. A "unnamed" source applied to have the listing removed stating the fire (which im sure was accidental *couth* *couth*) and an extension made later in the buildings life made the listing void. This has since been overturned and I would suspect that the cost of reparing the building (like several others in the county) makes the cost of doing anything uneconomical.

I imagine that it will now just sit there now further rotting away until it either becomes impossible to work on it or the council seize the land or fine the cyprus company who will no doubt fold. Either scenario means the destruction or default of the building back back to the council and I would suspect it will then become the tax payers problem. Im not sure how things work in this case.
Just read the BBC link ;) it would seem the people that had planning permission for the nurses home have sold the site to some company in Cyprus (no doubt non existent) and surprise surprise the council can't get hold of them.

Anything new will require planning permission and no plans have been put forward.
You’re right it does show signs of fire damage:lol:, is it only the acro props holding it up or is there still some structural stability remaining?
Nice set of pics, I enjoyed them, Thanks.

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