Having seen the recent thread on the Demolition of Annesley's bathouse and having recently heard that work had now begun on the headstock itself I've been looking through some of my photos from many visits to Annesley over the past few years.
I first visted Annesley in 2005 and the pit I saw then is very different to the one that those visiting saw up until the recent demolition, much changed for the worse in the time I've been visitng but with this post I'm trying to show Annesley as I remember it so I've biased the photos to include a range of earlier pictures of the main areas of the Colliery.
The Bathouse and Canteen and Medical Centre (2005)
Pithead Baths Before extensive Vandalism / Theft / Pikeying
I've lost count of the amount of copys I've seen of this shot!
Boot Brush
Bath House (2006 Film)
Walkway between Canteen and Bathouse,
Scale, Clean Lockers
Dirty Lockers,
Headstock (2005 / 2006)
From The Lower Level of the Headstock
From The upper level looking back down
Winding Wheels
Keeping Cold out
Cage area
Airtight doors: Entrance / Exit
The Pit Yard with Buildings / Rubble from the illegal demolition work (2005)
The Fan Drift (2005)
Inside the drift back filled with rubble,
Fan Blades
Upstairs, Electricains Workshop (2005)
Winding House (2007)
Winder Remains
Workshop / Stores
Hdyraulic Ventilation Doors, Upcast Shaft
This brick frame mounted wheels to relay winding ropes photo of this in place on the healy hero website: http://www.healeyhero.co.uk/rescue/Collection/shane/annesley/a7.jpg
Sorry to anyone on a slow internet connection as there are 50 photos in this thread,
I first visted Annesley in 2005 and the pit I saw then is very different to the one that those visiting saw up until the recent demolition, much changed for the worse in the time I've been visitng but with this post I'm trying to show Annesley as I remember it so I've biased the photos to include a range of earlier pictures of the main areas of the Colliery.
The Bathouse and Canteen and Medical Centre (2005)
Pithead Baths Before extensive Vandalism / Theft / Pikeying
I've lost count of the amount of copys I've seen of this shot!
Boot Brush
Bath House (2006 Film)
Walkway between Canteen and Bathouse,
Scale, Clean Lockers
Dirty Lockers,
Headstock (2005 / 2006)
From The Lower Level of the Headstock
From The upper level looking back down
Winding Wheels
Keeping Cold out
Cage area
Airtight doors: Entrance / Exit
The Pit Yard with Buildings / Rubble from the illegal demolition work (2005)
The Fan Drift (2005)
Inside the drift back filled with rubble,
Fan Blades
Upstairs, Electricains Workshop (2005)
Winding House (2007)
Winder Remains
Workshop / Stores
Hdyraulic Ventilation Doors, Upcast Shaft
This brick frame mounted wheels to relay winding ropes photo of this in place on the healy hero website: http://www.healeyhero.co.uk/rescue/Collection/shane/annesley/a7.jpg