Massive thanks to Prettyvacant71 for a few helpful pointers on this one!
This one took 2 attempts. First one was the day after my little sisters 30th, I was very well behaved that night so I was cool to drive early the next day, got there and had to hide in a bush because there was a couple of blokes in high viz nearby. The moment they turned their backs I was out of there.
I was back even earlier the next day. And there was a lot more people going about! I wasted ages waiting for my moment and finally went for it.
This is one of the most amazing places I have ever set foot in. I didn't capture it all, and I will explain why with my last pic.
I found a quiet spot to get set up and took a few snaps. Then I heard lots of banging and voices. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from so tiptoed around looking for the source. As I got to outside the turbine room, yeah of course that is where its coming from! As I slowly crawled forward into it I realised the sound was a couple of blokes erecting scaffolding on the outside of the far end. Thank god for that! But then I realised there was 3 big fans at the end, and I could see them. They couldn't see me, so I moved around slower and quieter than I have ever done before.
This power station was built in the 1910's to power a paper mill and shut down about 100 years later.

Now, see the light coming in at the end? That's where the scaffolders were. As I took this last pic I heard something that made my heart skip a beat. One of them turned and say "Here, I think someone is in there!"

They must have spotted the led flashing on my timer for my camera. And as soon as that exposure was done I evaporated into thin air without being seen. Great fun! Gutted I couldn't get a few pics of the boiler house, it was huge! But I didn't fancy getting caught next to a live station.
Thanks for looking!
This one took 2 attempts. First one was the day after my little sisters 30th, I was very well behaved that night so I was cool to drive early the next day, got there and had to hide in a bush because there was a couple of blokes in high viz nearby. The moment they turned their backs I was out of there.
I was back even earlier the next day. And there was a lot more people going about! I wasted ages waiting for my moment and finally went for it.
This is one of the most amazing places I have ever set foot in. I didn't capture it all, and I will explain why with my last pic.
I found a quiet spot to get set up and took a few snaps. Then I heard lots of banging and voices. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from so tiptoed around looking for the source. As I got to outside the turbine room, yeah of course that is where its coming from! As I slowly crawled forward into it I realised the sound was a couple of blokes erecting scaffolding on the outside of the far end. Thank god for that! But then I realised there was 3 big fans at the end, and I could see them. They couldn't see me, so I moved around slower and quieter than I have ever done before.
This power station was built in the 1910's to power a paper mill and shut down about 100 years later.

Now, see the light coming in at the end? That's where the scaffolders were. As I took this last pic I heard something that made my heart skip a beat. One of them turned and say "Here, I think someone is in there!"

They must have spotted the led flashing on my timer for my camera. And as soon as that exposure was done I evaporated into thin air without being seen. Great fun! Gutted I couldn't get a few pics of the boiler house, it was huge! But I didn't fancy getting caught next to a live station.
Thanks for looking!