Bass Maltings
The Sleaford Bass Maltings took a total of 23 years to be built. Construction began in 1882 and ended in 1905. The site was in use as a malt brewery for 71 years until in 1976 a fire broke out and destroyed four buildings, therefore the site could no longer operate! Quite a lot of machinery was left behind and is still there today. We were lucky enough to be able to see some of the old Victorian wooden machinery on our explore! Heres the shots I got!
The site is grade two listed, but nothing is going to happen here for a while as the security told us that the buildings are destroyed and to no value to them.

Lets venture inside!

My favourite room! Old conveyor belts!

Putting myself in this shot shows the scale of some of the machinery that once was lifted up there by hand over 100 years ago! Amazing to really think about it.

Sadly all the cross links were bricked off because of accidents that have happened in the past of people falling off them whilst exploring back in the 80's.

Now at this point we thought we had the explore in the bag, and we ventured out to the front of the buildings! We were there for all three minutes until a white van turned in and stormed down the road! We thought we had a chance to escape so we quickly jumped over the fence and waited for the guy to drive pass.
We heard a scream from behind us and then saw a man whipping a massive dog out the back of his van. At this point we knew we were F*cked! So we walked to wards him. He was screaming but we couldn't make out what he was saying. Eventually we got incredibly close. He asked us if we knew that it was an offence to go in there. Once I told him that we knew it was a civil offence he treated us a bit more like adults. As I'm sure with the kids he has had to deal with we knew more about the law than they would. Especially as I was holding a SLR and told him that we travelled 60 miles to see the site at the age of 15.
We showed him that we had not damaged anything and refused to give him exact details. After 10 minutes of meeting the guy I shook his hand and made my way back to the station with my mate. Pretty simple ay?
Sorry for the quality of this image. It is a screen shot from video!