Here are some pics i took whilst out having a nose around a derelict campsite just on the outskirts of Newquay.
The place has been left to rot for 5 or more years according to one of my mates who used to work there. The site is in Quintrell Downs and covers an area of about 30 acres. There are quiet a few building to explore, most have suffered pikey and fire damage but all are still open to mooch in. This set of pictures are from last year but i have been back recently and it's still pretty much the same.
The place is for sale and apparently there is planning permission for log cabin style holiday homes. Would just like to state i am not a photographer and these were taken on a really bad camera phone, we were also totally unprepared with just bike lights
hope you like (fully expect this report to be thrown into the pit).
First building, big big place with plenty of access points and rooms.
Building two, accommodation and office space. very very fire damaged. there is a ladder leading up to the loft if you have the balls - plenty of interesting personal belongings.
outside of the pub
side entrance and way in
fancy a pint?
View of 'swimming pool' from veranda
pool smoking area
standing at end of pool looking toward veranda and nightclub
pool changing room and pump rooms
changing room
pump and sanitation room
nightclub entrance
be warned the roof does look like it is about to go at any time.....
(sorry for **** pics, my camera was well out of its depth in this dingy musty club)
mattress dump at far end of dancefloor
back of club and pool area
another reception are with resturaunts
****again my apologies for the terrible pictures, will make sure we take the proper gear next time
The place has been left to rot for 5 or more years according to one of my mates who used to work there. The site is in Quintrell Downs and covers an area of about 30 acres. There are quiet a few building to explore, most have suffered pikey and fire damage but all are still open to mooch in. This set of pictures are from last year but i have been back recently and it's still pretty much the same.
The place is for sale and apparently there is planning permission for log cabin style holiday homes. Would just like to state i am not a photographer and these were taken on a really bad camera phone, we were also totally unprepared with just bike lights

First building, big big place with plenty of access points and rooms.



Building two, accommodation and office space. very very fire damaged. there is a ladder leading up to the loft if you have the balls - plenty of interesting personal belongings.

outside of the pub

side entrance and way in

fancy a pint?

View of 'swimming pool' from veranda

pool smoking area

standing at end of pool looking toward veranda and nightclub

pool changing room and pump rooms

changing room

pump and sanitation room

nightclub entrance

be warned the roof does look like it is about to go at any time.....
(sorry for **** pics, my camera was well out of its depth in this dingy musty club)

mattress dump at far end of dancefloor

back of club and pool area

another reception are with resturaunts

****again my apologies for the terrible pictures, will make sure we take the proper gear next time