Grain land fort (Part 1 south side)- Feb 2017

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Aug 1, 2006
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Hi All

First time me and Fluffy have been out this year and what an epic day, 300+ miles of driving to the back of nowhere, and found both underground sides of Grain fort.

Grain land fort was constructed in the 1860s to defend the Rivers Medway and Thames during a period of tension with France. The fort's location enabled its guns to support the nearby Grain Tower and Garrison Point Fort at Sheerness on the other side of the Medway. It was repeatedly altered and its guns upgraded at various points in its history, before being decommissioned in 1956 when the UK abolished its coastal defence programme. It was subsequently demolished. The remnants of the fort are still visible and have been incorporated into a coastal park.
Although all the surface features have been demolished a bit of a mega nose and you find the underground tunnels to the 4 caponier`s, these are split in to the North and south side.
With tunnels, magazines, lighting passages, sumps, 2 draw bridges, musket slits, Shifting lobby there`s plenty under your feet.

(Part 1 - South side)

Main passway at the far end the passage splits in to two leading to the two caponiers (only one still exists)




This is the sealed tunnel that would of lead to the second cuponier in the south side.


That`s it for the south side, there are more pictures on my FlickR site.
Head on over to :-

Thanks for looking all comments are most welcome.

Cheers Newage

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