Visited this old station earlier this evening, I stumbled across it after seeing it from the A17 quite by accident, so we went and had a quick look. Apologies for the photo quality, it was pouring with rain and I was very unsuitably dressed for exploring, and only had my camera phone on me. So.....
Inside access may have been possible had I had the right stuff, will be going back at some point....
A little history (a little borrowed from BlackShuck's old report, hope you don't mind): Gedney Station connected the East Coast Ports and Holiday Destinations with the Industrial midlands. It is one of the older stations on the Midland/Great Northern joint, being built around 1866. It was closed in 1959.
On with the pics...
Station sign still remains against all odds. I cannot believe this, especially since there now seems to be a gypsy camp very near the site!
Hope you think it was worth posting
Inside access may have been possible had I had the right stuff, will be going back at some point....
A little history (a little borrowed from BlackShuck's old report, hope you don't mind): Gedney Station connected the East Coast Ports and Holiday Destinations with the Industrial midlands. It is one of the older stations on the Midland/Great Northern joint, being built around 1866. It was closed in 1959.
On with the pics...
Station sign still remains against all odds. I cannot believe this, especially since there now seems to be a gypsy camp very near the site!
Hope you think it was worth posting