Just a quick one from me this sunny Thursday evening:
Pripyat was a prosperous town. The average salary there was a lot higher than the rest of the Ukraine. Leisure activities we way more popular than most cities of that size. You just have to look at Pripyats 3 stadiums, multiple restaurants, hotels, car accessory shops to realise that.
Here is the fantastic ‘Café Pripyat’ in the late 70’s:
Here it is in 2011:
The windows were beautiful stained glass, pretty opulent in 1970’s soviet Ukraine:
The stained glass is actually coloured glass laid end on! They mustn’t have liked their fingers:
River side view:
Not sure if anyone’s seen the documentary “Heavy Water” this is the view that opens and closes the film:
I love this houseboat, slowly sinking into the lake:
One of the ladies had contaminated their shoes to dangerous levels in the surrounding woodland and had to discard their footware:
Oh I forgot to mention previously that our driver (the Stig’s Ukrainian brother) always carried a couple of kitchen knives and a telescopic sight whenever we were outside of the vehicle. I found this hilarious, imagining him poking a violent looter with amazing accuracy. It turns out the sight was just a makeshift telescope, and he was watching our back for dangerous animals.
Pripyat was a prosperous town. The average salary there was a lot higher than the rest of the Ukraine. Leisure activities we way more popular than most cities of that size. You just have to look at Pripyats 3 stadiums, multiple restaurants, hotels, car accessory shops to realise that.
Here is the fantastic ‘Café Pripyat’ in the late 70’s:
Here it is in 2011:
The windows were beautiful stained glass, pretty opulent in 1970’s soviet Ukraine:
The stained glass is actually coloured glass laid end on! They mustn’t have liked their fingers:
River side view:
Not sure if anyone’s seen the documentary “Heavy Water” this is the view that opens and closes the film:
I love this houseboat, slowly sinking into the lake:
One of the ladies had contaminated their shoes to dangerous levels in the surrounding woodland and had to discard their footware:
Oh I forgot to mention previously that our driver (the Stig’s Ukrainian brother) always carried a couple of kitchen knives and a telescopic sight whenever we were outside of the vehicle. I found this hilarious, imagining him poking a violent looter with amazing accuracy. It turns out the sight was just a makeshift telescope, and he was watching our back for dangerous animals.