St Josephs Seminary - probably recently more famously known as for the filming location of ''Call the Midwife''... ''St Joseph’s, in Mill Hill, North London, was used by the show to re-create Nonnatus House convent in Poplar, where the original Call the Midwife books are based.''

(Image from 'Call the Midwife'' - these people were not there on our visit

As you approach Mill Hill heading North from London on the A1/A41, the sight of St Josephs College on Lawrence Street looms into view. The gold leafed Statue of St Joseph on the top is a well known and loved landmark. Sadly the college is currently an empty shell, home to pigeons and other nesting birds. The Mill Hill Missionaries moved out in June 2008 and the only vestage of their presence is a residual right to visit the graves of buried priests at the site. The college was first opened in 1871 as a seminary for Priests training to go on missions to far flung places. Interestingly only one Priest who originated from Mill Hill was ever ordained into the Mill Hill order.
(Taken from http://barneteye.blogspot.co.uk/2010/04/mill-hill-landmarks-st-josephs-college.html )
A landmark grade II listed building in Mill Hill, north-west London is to be transformed into 115 studio suites for the retirement market. Following many years as home to the St Joseph's Society for Foreign Missionaries, St Joseph's College has been granted planning permission for conversion.
Developers are due to begin building this spring
THE VISIT: Visited with Steve2109...
This place is on my drive to work, a few months ago last year I popped by to check it out and have a bit of a recce - still in my work gear so didn't attempt entry, but back then it looked like this...

But on our visit it looked like this

Lots of long corridors...

Library with spiral staircase...

This place has plenty of staircases...

The majority of the site is just many empty/featureless rooms like this one...

More stairs...

Some out of bounds areas for the film crews (Kitchens, boiler rooms, etc)

And finally, the chapel. The main reason for the visit

And a few snowy externals...

Hope you enjoyed as much as I did