This summer we embarked on a Welsh South to the North splore tour taking in some numerous sites across this pretty nice part of the our fair Kingdom, Ssshhhh... Mr and Mrs Luckypants and I took in over 11 sites some well known and some never even heard of, but todays slice of the tour concerns a mostly unreported Gelli Aur Mansion or in English, Golden Grove, Luckypants found this on google maps and we were very excited to check out this rather mammoth looking splore with no background info we went for it.
Built in 1560 then burned down , built again then knocked down and built again in 1834 this strangley Scottish influenced designed mansion built from what locals term " Black Marble" was once home to a pretty savage aristocat who on occasion would lop off the fingers of his underlings , obviously only if they deserved it.
It mostly languishes in the middle of a public country park altho the house itself is strictly off limits
A charity has been trying to raise money to purchase it for war damaged veterans.
It turns out it has been visited by The Most Haunted Brigade and one can see more on youtube if you search it out, albeit with the detraction of bellends running about screaming here and there.
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When we first saw this we were pretty blown away
and from the rear , I mean when you see something like that your just ITCHING to get
After quite a while and a few red herrings we were in
we were a little dissapointed as it was a trifle bare
But it was in pretty good nick, I think its location prevents the copper fairies from having their wicked ways with the place
There seemed evidence that some renovation was being carried out , but only in the middle section , I hear rumour to be a gallery, altho nothing is definate.
According to Britain's Most Misguided I mean Haunted this corridor is one of the most haunted areas of the place, am glad to report that only the clicking of camera shutters were the only noises temporarly out of place to the usual quiet ambience of the house
After being a residential it briefly became a college
Large Kitchen
To the inner courtyard and stables
It features a rather splendid clock tower altho the inner workings of which seem long gone but the stairs are pretty ace
The place has become a bit modular with access to the end sections locked off behind this door peeking thru the gaps reveal all manner of wood panelled finery and exquisiteness
After finding a way into the other end section this revealed a rather unloved and left to the elements side of things
But saying that lt looked like a lot more rooms and areas where now available including the courtyard and stables and up these stairs
Then Luckypants shouts a warning and I hear a lot of banging about and getting closer.....I am off and quick
Back at the Jo public area we see a white van has arrived and presently coming out of another section , a white cowboy hatted bloke appears, I don't know about you lot but of all the things to get nabbed by , a secca cowboy seems both unseemly and sinister haha, I will return.
Thanks for looking
Built in 1560 then burned down , built again then knocked down and built again in 1834 this strangley Scottish influenced designed mansion built from what locals term " Black Marble" was once home to a pretty savage aristocat who on occasion would lop off the fingers of his underlings , obviously only if they deserved it.
It mostly languishes in the middle of a public country park altho the house itself is strictly off limits
A charity has been trying to raise money to purchase it for war damaged veterans.
It turns out it has been visited by The Most Haunted Brigade and one can see more on youtube if you search it out, albeit with the detraction of bellends running about screaming here and there.
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When we first saw this we were pretty blown away
and from the rear , I mean when you see something like that your just ITCHING to get
After quite a while and a few red herrings we were in
we were a little dissapointed as it was a trifle bare
But it was in pretty good nick, I think its location prevents the copper fairies from having their wicked ways with the place
There seemed evidence that some renovation was being carried out , but only in the middle section , I hear rumour to be a gallery, altho nothing is definate.
According to Britain's Most Misguided I mean Haunted this corridor is one of the most haunted areas of the place, am glad to report that only the clicking of camera shutters were the only noises temporarly out of place to the usual quiet ambience of the house
After being a residential it briefly became a college
Large Kitchen
To the inner courtyard and stables
It features a rather splendid clock tower altho the inner workings of which seem long gone but the stairs are pretty ace
The place has become a bit modular with access to the end sections locked off behind this door peeking thru the gaps reveal all manner of wood panelled finery and exquisiteness
After finding a way into the other end section this revealed a rather unloved and left to the elements side of things
But saying that lt looked like a lot more rooms and areas where now available including the courtyard and stables and up these stairs
Then Luckypants shouts a warning and I hear a lot of banging about and getting closer.....I am off and quick
Back at the Jo public area we see a white van has arrived and presently coming out of another section , a white cowboy hatted bloke appears, I don't know about you lot but of all the things to get nabbed by , a secca cowboy seems both unseemly and sinister haha, I will return.
Thanks for looking
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