This is an explore from a while back, but re-discovering the photos today I thought it worthy of a short report. The pictures were taken with my old camera, so the quality isn't that great. I know, a bad workman blames his tools!
This house was located in a very expensive area and following several failed planning applications it had been boarded up. In 2010 there was a mysterious fire, blamed on vandalism, which practically gutted the property.
Previously, the house had been the subject of several unsympathetic extensions (not to mention ghastly plastic windows and exterior paintwork!) to the side and rear (other houses in the area of similar design haven't been ruined), meaning the best thing about it was the swimming pool. I didn't go inside the property as it was absolutely trashed by the fire and not even worthy of one photo!
In 2014 the remains were razed to the ground, and the pool filled in. There are now plans to put a swanky, big house on the land, although there is still no sign of any building work.
This house was located in a very expensive area and following several failed planning applications it had been boarded up. In 2010 there was a mysterious fire, blamed on vandalism, which practically gutted the property.
Previously, the house had been the subject of several unsympathetic extensions (not to mention ghastly plastic windows and exterior paintwork!) to the side and rear (other houses in the area of similar design haven't been ruined), meaning the best thing about it was the swimming pool. I didn't go inside the property as it was absolutely trashed by the fire and not even worthy of one photo!
In 2014 the remains were razed to the ground, and the pool filled in. There are now plans to put a swanky, big house on the land, although there is still no sign of any building work.
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