I've known about this place for a little while, but not had a chance head over to it till now. I had spent nearly a whole day exploring a few locations round the area, heading further and further away from home with each location. Eventually after a few of failed/meh explores, I realised I was only 15 minutes from here, so with a few hours left, I thought I might as well.
I don't really know the history of the house, it seems it was moved out of, and just left. There isn't really much left inside the house, but there were a few little lovely features left.
The grounds around the house looks like they have been mowed quite recently, so I guess the house is being looked after, just waiting for the time and money to renovate it.
The Explore
Nice easy explore, but the whole vibe and setting of the house is very strange. It's in the middle of no-where and set far back from the road. The grounds around the house are very well kept and looked after. There is haras fencing placed randomly around the place. Behind the house there is a brand new looking wall in an L shape. It looks like it is the start of a new structure.
There is virtually no vandalism at all, which is a good to see. It looks like it was once a lovely home. It's certainly not past renovation to bring it back to its former glory.
The L shaped wall.
An unsent letter
Lots of mould
I don't really know the history of the house, it seems it was moved out of, and just left. There isn't really much left inside the house, but there were a few little lovely features left.
The grounds around the house looks like they have been mowed quite recently, so I guess the house is being looked after, just waiting for the time and money to renovate it.
The Explore
Nice easy explore, but the whole vibe and setting of the house is very strange. It's in the middle of no-where and set far back from the road. The grounds around the house are very well kept and looked after. There is haras fencing placed randomly around the place. Behind the house there is a brand new looking wall in an L shape. It looks like it is the start of a new structure.
There is virtually no vandalism at all, which is a good to see. It looks like it was once a lovely home. It's certainly not past renovation to bring it back to its former glory.
The L shaped wall.
An unsent letter
Lots of mould