First off I will say sorry in advance because this is going to be pic heavy again...This is the other site I did on Saturday but at the time I had no idea what I was looking at. After some investigation (although there is bugger all on the t'internet about it) I found that it is Kinley Hill Chain Home Low radar station. There are still a few goodies left although making sense of them took some time and working out. The accommodation side of the site is very overgrown and the power house has frequent visitors, although they were out at the time I visited they can't have been too far away because there makeshift cooker was still warm and the smell of smoke was still very strong. This has been on my to do list for a long time but back then, from the main road, I thought I was just looking at a farm building. Enough of the babble time for some pics...
First off a map of the site
I started off at the Identity Friend or Foe building (IFF)
mast base
next I came to what would have been the transmitter/receiver house sadly it has been either demolished or has fallen in on itself
The generator and out buildings
The roc post from the generator building (report here [ame][/ame])
The accomodation side of the site
what I am surmising is a water resevouir due to the sloping sides
Whats that sticking out the greenery
can you tell what it is yet lol
ohhhh that's what it is
remains of a bed frame
The rest of the site was covered in building bases and steps. Here are just a few of them
Well there we have it, hope I haven't bored you too much
Cheers Jon
First off a map of the site

I started off at the Identity Friend or Foe building (IFF)

mast base

next I came to what would have been the transmitter/receiver house sadly it has been either demolished or has fallen in on itself

The generator and out buildings

The roc post from the generator building (report here [ame][/ame])

The accomodation side of the site
what I am surmising is a water resevouir due to the sloping sides

Whats that sticking out the greenery

can you tell what it is yet lol

ohhhh that's what it is

remains of a bed frame

The rest of the site was covered in building bases and steps. Here are just a few of them

Well there we have it, hope I haven't bored you too much
Cheers Jon