Edwardian House, Seaton, Devon - March 09

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Jan 13, 2007
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East Devon's Jurassic Park!
This was somewhere I noticed from a return bus journey recently, seeing broken window panes in the porch area. So, whilst out and about with my camera at the weekend I investigated. :mrgreen:
I don't know anything about the building, apart from the fact that it's been left more or less empty, and has been for a while by the look of it.




Inside shot taken through the door window.



There is another door on the right side of the front with a veranda style lovely porch.


Taken through this door window.


Around one side of the house is a lane which leads nowhere! :confused: But it did afford me some shots of the side and rear. A very high wall prevented me from seeing over into the garden. I really wanted to see it too.




Some delightful details. :)




The road on the other side of the house is elevated with a hedge screening it off. I found a way through! :mrgreen: I was expecting to see an overgrown but delightful secret garden but I was sadly disappointed. What a mess! :lol:


Cheers. Hope you enjoyed. :)
Interesting - a firemans switch on a residential building 'B.P. sign' wonder what that was?
Lovely building tho' looks like the folks moved out but forgot a few things.
I love the picture of the disintegrated downpipe !

would be interesting to find some history on this one.
A lovely Edwardian Edifice Foxy. I especially liked the Downpipe was it one of those Cast Iron jobs do you know?
Interesting - a firemans switch on a residential building 'B.P. sign' wonder what that was?

I wondered what that was as I've never seen one before. Interesting and a bit of a puzzle. :mrgreen:

poor unloved house, it need a family to live in it & bring ir back to life :neutral:

Definitely! That back garden would be fantastic for a family with the high walls keeping them safe...til they can clinm, of course! :mrgreen: Imagine how lovely the place could be. :)

A lovely Edwardian Edifice Foxy. I especially liked the Downpipe was it one of those Cast Iron jobs do you know?

Yes, I'm pretty sure it's cast iron. Some nice decoration on it too, but my camera didn't really capture it properly...and I'm not tall enough to get close! :lol:

Cheers guys. :)
I wondered what that was as I've never seen one before. Interesting and a bit of a puzzle. :mrgreen:

Definitely! That back garden would be fantastic for a family with the high walls keeping them safe...til they can clinm, of course! :mrgreen: Imagine how lovely the place could be. :)

Yes, I'm pretty sure it's cast iron. Some nice decoration on it too, but my camera didn't really capture it properly...and I'm not tall enough to get close! :lol:

Cheers guys. :)
ha ha. You ought to invest in a pair of stilts Foxy:mrgreen:
Nice one foxy, interesting place to have a fireplace,on the porch!, also the fireplace inside, did Santa just throw the prezzies down the chimney,:mrgreen:

That wheelie bin doesn't look all that old in the pics? probably no more than a sign of council records not being update in the last few years though :lol: as opposed to recent occupation.

Nice find foxy.
ha ha. You ought to invest in a pair of stilts Foxy:mrgreen:

:lol: Funny thing is...I don't feel so small when I'm wearing my specs but I've recently started wearing contact lenses, and they're so good and I can see the ground so clearly that I only feel about 3' now! :(:mrgreen:

...did Santa just throw the prezzies down the chimney,:mrgreen:

It does look like it, doesn't it! :mrgreen:
Seeing the fireplace outside made me wonder if someone started to clear stuff out at one point...looks like they reached the porch and said...'Ah sod it, I can't be bothered'...and just walked away! :lol:
That wheelie bin doesn't look all that old in the pics? probably no more than a sign of council records not being update in the last few years though :lol: as opposed to recent occupation.

Nice find foxy.

Ah, you're right! We haven't had those kind of bins for all that long. Maybe the house probably got neglected before it was made empty.

Cheers, nutnut. :)
Stayed in Seaton last summer for a week-nice neck of the woods .
What is happening or goinig to happen on that derelict caravan park that you see from the tram ? Good local beers btw!
What is happening or goinig to happen on that derelict caravan park that you see from the tram ? Good local beers btw!

All the main buildings and chalets have been demolished now, Phil. The ground has been bought by Tesco (Boo! Hiss! :mrgreen:) but it's earmarked for 'Seaton Regeneration' plans and Tesco haven't got planning permission to build one of their stores there...big debates have been going on as to who's going to get the contract...plus there's going to be a big Jurassic Coast tourist info place and other stuff.
The other half of the site (the lyme Bay Holiday Village) is now empty and awaiting demolition. :(
Great finding stuff by chance like that! That house looks like someone just moved out, I bet its great inside, looks huge!
Great finding stuff by chance like that! That house looks like someone just moved out, I bet its great inside, looks huge!

It's funny how it happens sometimes, isn't it! I wouldn't have thought of looking if I hadn't have seen the broken porch windows, which could only be seen from the bus. :mrgreen:
Cheers, BL. :)
What a great find! Must have been a beautiful house in its day, and could be again with a bit of tlc. Hope it doesn't deteriorate too far - looks in pretty good condition at the mo.
Cheers, Channonwindmill. :)
I hope so too. It obviously need some fixing up before being sold on, if that's what's going to happen to it. Maybe whoever owns it doesn't see the point of doing that in the current financial climate, which is a shame as it'll only deteriorate more if left. :(
Cheers, Channonwindmill. :)
I hope so too. It obviously need some fixing up before being sold on, if that's what's going to happen to it. Maybe whoever owns it doesn't see the point of doing that in the current financial climate, which is a shame as it'll only deteriorate more if left. :(

Another one to add to the list for when I win the lottery, foxy :)