After having walked around a farm today, I decided to walk over to the Coal depo, which was unused.
There was a security guard snooping around, but he seemed totally uninterested when he spotted me taking a photo of the place, he didn't even come over.
Ever so, I didn't get a massive amount of photos cause I'd walked quite a way and visiting this site was more of an afterthought having been to the farmhouse, also the battery warning was on my camera, so I didn't know how long I had before they went totally.
Anyway, heres the photos, HDR to follow tonight or tomorrow.
The rest are here
There was a security guard snooping around, but he seemed totally uninterested when he spotted me taking a photo of the place, he didn't even come over.
Ever so, I didn't get a massive amount of photos cause I'd walked quite a way and visiting this site was more of an afterthought having been to the farmhouse, also the battery warning was on my camera, so I didn't know how long I had before they went totally.
Anyway, heres the photos, HDR to follow tonight or tomorrow.
The rest are here