Thorpe Marsh was commissioned in 1959 as a prototype for large, modern (at the time), UK power stations. The station was closed down in 1994, most of the site has now been demolished and the rest striped bare. The site itself consists of 6 cooling towers, cut off railway tracks & station. Before you got to the cooling towers (depending on which way you travel) is a small crane loading station.
X'd with RagaMuffin 0409
The full site was not explored as there was company in the form of security & JCB
Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed & let me no what you think
Been for a re-visit with towd MegaDOOMER an got to see a lot of stuff that was missed on my first visit, please check Mege Doomer post as he has got some really nice shots
but now on with mine shots
'Pig in Poo' springs to mind, Yes we made it to the top of the Hooper!
X'd with RagaMuffin 0409
Firstly are my shots from the Crane Station
Entering the site an starting our explore
Railway Sidings
The full site was not explored as there was company in the form of security & JCB
Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed & let me no what you think
Been for a re-visit with towd MegaDOOMER an got to see a lot of stuff that was missed on my first visit, please check Mege Doomer post as he has got some really nice shots
but now on with mine shots
'Pig in Poo' springs to mind, Yes we made it to the top of the Hooper!
Shot of pipe work an valves
More pipe work to 1 of the towers, bit of pigeon love aswell
Gave Mega Doomer a bit of head spin with my antics to get this shot, every entertaining!
Stairs from top of Hooper down
Victory Shot after getting back down the Hooper an as always the decent was a lot harder than the climb. But well worth the effort!
After playing in the railway siding found a stairwell that lead to a dark, dark room which were assuming was the machine room for the belt conveyor system that could possibly still be under the water
After playing in the dark an not noticing the light writting oppertunaty we moved to to access the warehouse / workshop area at the bottom of the site an had to get a shot of this on the way!
Couple of nice reflection shots from inside the warehouse space
An finally on leaving the site i have to get a shot of the site sercurity system
All these padlocks oon a gate that is only just over wasit hieght!
All these padlocks oon a gate that is only just over wasit hieght!
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