The UCM Group comprises five companies located in the UK and US. In the UK, Unitec Ceramics Ltd is principally a producer of fine-sized zirconia powders for use in advanced ceramics. Zirconia is one of the most sophisticated raw minerals in common use and is key to a number of basis industrial processes. For example, calcia-stabilised zirconia is vital to the world steel industry for the continuous casting of steel.
However, the following was announced on 4th December 2008...
Unitec Ceramics is to close its ceramics factory in Stafford in January with the loss of 34 jobs, in order to transfer production to Germany
However, the following was announced on 4th December 2008...
Unitec Ceramics is to close its ceramics factory in Stafford in January with the loss of 34 jobs, in order to transfer production to Germany