Popped over the old Severn Bridge a couple of days ago to try and find a couple of unusual defence structures shown on the D/O/B overlay for Google Earth.Unfortunately didn't have a lot of luck though as the Sat-Nav in my mates car was suffering a bout of forgetfulness and i never had the relevent OS map !! D'oh !!
First calling point was Undy.!!! The bloody sat nav had never even heard of this place but believe me it exists-Good ol'IKB even drove his Great Western Rly through the place.This little baby is the Coastal Observation Post on the banks of the Severn.S0003162.
Next up was a dash over to Sudbrook-home of the Water Pumping Stn for the Severn Tunnel.This turned out to be slightly disappointing as S0015491 turned out to be this....
....not particularly photogenic i think you'll agree !!To be fair you could crawl into it from the other side and it looks like an identical obs post to the one at Undy.BUT it is located next to the local playing fields so why havent the locals dug it out a bit !! I would have.Whats wrong with kids today eh !!
Had a bit more luck at Lydney,situated on the former Harbour branch railway is this variant,S0008359 to be precise.A sort of small type 27 witout the central gun well.It has a crawl in entry which is protected by a concrete block blast wall.
Well thats about it-sorry there isn't any more but i have sniffed out a few more locations and will hopefully get back soon to do the biz !!!
First calling point was Undy.!!! The bloody sat nav had never even heard of this place but believe me it exists-Good ol'IKB even drove his Great Western Rly through the place.This little baby is the Coastal Observation Post on the banks of the Severn.S0003162.
Next up was a dash over to Sudbrook-home of the Water Pumping Stn for the Severn Tunnel.This turned out to be slightly disappointing as S0015491 turned out to be this....
....not particularly photogenic i think you'll agree !!To be fair you could crawl into it from the other side and it looks like an identical obs post to the one at Undy.BUT it is located next to the local playing fields so why havent the locals dug it out a bit !! I would have.Whats wrong with kids today eh !!
Had a bit more luck at Lydney,situated on the former Harbour branch railway is this variant,S0008359 to be precise.A sort of small type 27 witout the central gun well.It has a crawl in entry which is protected by a concrete block blast wall.
Well thats about it-sorry there isn't any more but i have sniffed out a few more locations and will hopefully get back soon to do the biz !!!