I could find very little info about this place! I spotted it on Google Earth and decided to check it out. It is a small channel just off the Manchester Ship Canal At Stockton Heath.
It is a lock with 3 gates and various manual pulling systems dotted around the site to mechanically open/close the gates.
I looked in Emapping Cheshire and an aerial photo of the site in the 70’s shows that the other side of the locks was a waterway that fed into the River Mersey.
That section was the Runcorn and Latchford Canal, it is closed off now and vanishes in the mass of undergrowth at the lock section.
Entrance to the locks.
First gate.
Some kind of winding device.
Gate 2.
Gate mechanics.
Gate 3.
A man powered winding system.
The twisted hull of a vessel that remained.
This had a gauge on it, so it maybe to show the water depth?
It is a lock with 3 gates and various manual pulling systems dotted around the site to mechanically open/close the gates.
I looked in Emapping Cheshire and an aerial photo of the site in the 70’s shows that the other side of the locks was a waterway that fed into the River Mersey.
That section was the Runcorn and Latchford Canal, it is closed off now and vanishes in the mass of undergrowth at the lock section.
Entrance to the locks.
First gate.
Some kind of winding device.
Gate 2.
Gate mechanics.
Gate 3.
A man powered winding system.
The twisted hull of a vessel that remained.
This had a gauge on it, so it maybe to show the water depth?