This place has been documented quite well, the site is massive, so will up load in bits.
There are allsorts of ex military WW2 defences in the area, 3 or 4 Battery sites, underground hospital, the famous Winnie an Pooh gun sites and plotting rooms. the following pics come from the Power House, the building that would house generators for the battery.
Anyone know PIKE, he has scribbled over half of the holes ind Dover, Appologies for the language on the walls.
BEWARE GORY PIC, but strangely curious, at first i thought it was a fox, not so sure now.
Hope this post was of interest
There are allsorts of ex military WW2 defences in the area, 3 or 4 Battery sites, underground hospital, the famous Winnie an Pooh gun sites and plotting rooms. the following pics come from the Power House, the building that would house generators for the battery.
Anyone know PIKE, he has scribbled over half of the holes ind Dover, Appologies for the language on the walls.
BEWARE GORY PIC, but strangely curious, at first i thought it was a fox, not so sure now.
Hope this post was of interest