Type FW3/24 pillbox at Horsey Gap (Norfolk)

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Feb 28, 2011
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This type FW3/24 pillbox is situated on the dunes a short distance south of Horsey Gap. It was constructed during WWII from clay brick, concrete and iron and is in bad condition, with the brick shuttering almost completely gone. There are Turnbull fittings in all embrasures (except the one at rear) and there is no internal anti-ricochet wall. The pillbox faces south-west with its entrance to the east (sea). The embrasures have metal frames with machine gun mountings. This information was lifted from the Defence of Britain database where the pillbox is listed and has been given the reference number S0000830.





i live just along th road from here, and am considering a walk up tomorrow/ wednesday if you want pictures of anything in particular :)

need the exercise and it will be a gd start to my exploring!
walked along today from winterton, a touch further than i thought!!





Not a lot left in there to be honest, hope these give you some sort of idea as to what was once there?
Interesting that there's no anti-ricochet wall. I looked at the possibility of Vickers MG being used in PB's with Turnbull mounts but the wall hinders this (not impossible but tight). A distance of 4' 9" behind the embrasure is required for the gun to be used. It was therefore more common for Bren to be used. A cradle was made to take the Vickers as well as the Bren and even though I've yet to find a Vickers cradle in place, I suspect that this Type 24 housed at least one.

Very helpful post, thanks.
Good one zooduck in your first photo there is what looks like original stencilled writing I can see the word flag and was wondering if you spotted what the rest said?

think it was just sttencilled graffiti- it said ANTI FLAG, there was something else stencilled on another wall but it had faded too much to be read properly. unfortunately horsey is a site for a lot of illegal raves and the people they attract tend to leave their rather unnatractive mark on historic things like this, the usual broken glass, rubbish and graffiti im afraid :(

this is the other writing- im assuming its graffiti, please correct me if im wrong!


It looks like it says BULLETS CANT SILENCE ......... cant make out the last word!