These two sites stand a little way apart on Constitution Hill above the town of Aberystwyth
The first is the remains of a radar station built to detect low flying aircraft. There is no evidence that it was part of the Chain Home system but a Chain Home radar Station did exist 10 miles away at Llanon (demolished). A modern radar array stands nearby whose purpose is apparently to track missiles and UAVs on the Aberporth Marine Range 33 miles south and to transmit a 'friendly warning' to anyone daft enough to stray into the danger area.
Buildings around first mast site
View to the modern radar station
Mast foot?
Isolated building on the hill overlooking Clarach Bay
Remains of electrics
Modern radar station
Government Property
The second is an Observer Corps post used to spot incoming aircraft. I don't imagine they were ever particularly busy: during the war only a handful of bombs fell on Ceredigion and no-one was killed. A cold war post stood nearby but no trace remains.
Post and trig point
Observation chamber with rangefinder column
Remains of telephone line to the post
Thanks for reading,
The first is the remains of a radar station built to detect low flying aircraft. There is no evidence that it was part of the Chain Home system but a Chain Home radar Station did exist 10 miles away at Llanon (demolished). A modern radar array stands nearby whose purpose is apparently to track missiles and UAVs on the Aberporth Marine Range 33 miles south and to transmit a 'friendly warning' to anyone daft enough to stray into the danger area.
Buildings around first mast site
View to the modern radar station
Mast foot?
Isolated building on the hill overlooking Clarach Bay
Remains of electrics
Modern radar station
Government Property
The second is an Observer Corps post used to spot incoming aircraft. I don't imagine they were ever particularly busy: during the war only a handful of bombs fell on Ceredigion and no-one was killed. A cold war post stood nearby but no trace remains.
Post and trig point
Observation chamber with rangefinder column
Remains of telephone line to the post
Thanks for reading,
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