Nortel Telecommunications - Aug 2011

Derelict Places

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Apr 2, 2007
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So, Nelly and Skeleton Key, had conquered half of this massive complex to make this thread here:

Being proper explorers they wanted to finish the job off and cover the remaining half, they offered me a chance to join them. I already had an explore planned for that day - a good 5 hour drive away. The time slot They gave me was exactly 5 hours after I was due to finish. It was on.

It’s such an epic site, it has everything you need, from basements to rooftops, from the most derelict to freshly-hovered-lights-still-on live bits. I’m going to cover rooftopping in a separate thread, for neatness as the others will hopefully add to this thread, and to me it was a different exploring experience completely.

Looking back at the fence.

The Complex is massive, a lot of it offices, and endless scrummy open corridors:

Always a good idea to know where security is:

Reflection of a large corporate hospitality suite:


The remainder of the buildings are generally labs:


Obligatory Chair shot:

Obligatory toilet shot, how special are these?

Recording Studio Sound insulation, so funky!


Old Training vid:

Teleportation pod:

We left the part with the lights still on until last as we knew it would be the riskiest area. It started with areas like this, still messy:

Which we followed until the carpets became hoovered and clean. We could hear voices, and we decided this was our queue to leave.


It was lovely to put faces to three online members, and I’d recommend anyone on here to meet with other explorers. My massive thanks to Nelly an SK for getting us in and out in one piece.

Looking forward tgo everyone elses pics!
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Good to meet with you at last Mr X, I shall finish editing mine and add them tomorrow :mrgreen:
I'm liking them! That's a pretty good advert for an 8mm lens!
Was lovely to meet you, hopefully the first of many explores!
Thanks UX.
I've barely taken that lens off since I bought it.
Highly recommend having a go next time we head out.
What kind of laser are they (used to) operate there ?

Class 4 C02 ?

I like the writing 'do not swich on men working' !

Use a fucking lockout key you * !!!!
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What kind of laser are they (used to) operate there ?

Class 4 C02 ?

I like the writing 'do not swich on men working' !

Use a fucking lockout key you * !!!!

No idea about the type of laser, sorry, maybe the ones that shoot a green beam out and chop people up into small pieces ;)

As for lockout keys, exactly, I'm an electrician as well as my main job and I will be f**ked if I would work on a circuit that had "Do not switch on" written on it!!!
I must admit I do sometimes not use the lockout keys myself always. Its 'okay' if you are right there.

But not in the situation depicted - and when someone is working some distance from the isolator...

I have one of those class 3B green lasers. Do look good in the night.

Just like star wars !!! hahaha :mrgreen:

Yep, drunk and wielding a class 3B laser at home..............

Oh, and what exactly is 'town gas' Argon and Nitrogen is 200 bar when they are new.

Tank water should be about 6 bar (85 psi). I think.
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