bungalows untouched

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Jan 12, 2011
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for obvious reasons this site is being kept a secret, the homes have been empty for around 30 years and exept for damage they still have the owners belongings.













the tree growing in the lounge




now my sick sence of humor befor and after.

no loo roll


there are loads more but its getting pic heavey so ill post more later. thanks for looking.
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Whay are these buildings abandoned then? Seems odd. You hear about it when the army take over an area or when there's been a sudden disaster. But it's not often you find houses with belongings still in them.
Maybe my eyes are decieving me, but did you leave a little present in the toilets? Leave only footprints, and all that...

Otherwise interesting find and cool pics. Can't believe people would let their own property get into that state! Especially that tree growing in the living room..

we went into the local pub and asked about them. It was once a garage plus homes and had been sold to demolish and make way for 9 new dwellings but has never been given planing permition. I have googled it but so far found nothing.
Love them, love them, love them!

I really wish I knew where these were...then again, probably too far to actually travel for me! Sad when you see places like this just standing there, empty when people could have been living in them to this day.

Great pics!
Great Find you guys, I enjoyed it but I doubt that your secret place will remain that way for long. Thanks.
Yes mother you do have a sick sense of humour and it runs in the family and as you know I am a strong believer in the leave only foot print rule.
Now unfortunately my internet is running like a bag of s@#t as used all my usage on the dongle so when its running normal I will upload my images but we do need a revisit when we have more day light as a lot of mine have the dreaded flash photography
A great find and report,nice to see them "generally"unspoilt apart from minor damage.

Respect for trying to keep their location secret:)

Its a shame really that demolition awaits them as they could be renovated and be much better properties than the modern crap they plan to replace them with.
Haha… yeah im not as bad as me mum though.. im the more urbexwise and normally my mum is bared from entering sites due to her being my dear old mother (or “my old dear” as she likes to be called) as well as her age and like we all know a majority of sites can be very dodgy dangerous even but with it being a couple of bungalows I thought the risk of danger was low.
And I agree with a fair few of the members who have replied to this thread leave nothing but foot prints don’t touch anything all you take is your photographs and don’t distress the buildings in anyway.
And yes mother dear you are as mad as a box of frogs lol haha…:jiggy: