Burlingham St Peter . May 12. Norfolk.

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Black Shuck

Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Nov 25, 2008
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gt yarmouth
There was an elegant, quiet dignity about the building on this beautiful sunny day. The elder and ivy filtered the light as if they were stained glass windows, and although the building is now nothing but a faltering shell, it was quite possible to repopulate it in the mind's eye with 19th century furnishings and people. There are quaint niches either side of the east window in a Decorated style, and I wondered if this was a suggestion that St Peter had been quite High Church in its 19th century heyday, perhaps as an alternative to Lower worship at St Andrew. It was the tower that led to the demise of the building. One night in 1906, it collapsed into the nave. At first, the gap was merely boarded up, but, not surprisingly, this was found to be unsatisfactory, and in 1936 the remains of the congregation finally decamped up the road to St Andrew. The building has been left to decay since then, pretty much, quietly returning back to nature. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. It is hard to see beyond its restoration, but this must have been a little Norman church, perhaps with a 13th century chancel. The Pics...








Nice photographs, but you really need to make it clear that the introduction here is not your work. It is mine, copied from my site at http://www.norfolkchurches.co.uk/burlinghampeter/burlinghampeter.htm

It's a bit shocking that you have copied it without crediting it. That's plagiarism.

I am happy for you to quote from my site if you credit it accordingly. Please can you make sure that you do so.
No apparently the tower fell through in 1906 and smashed them.

Balls! if you believe that give my list to Santa next time you see him,seriously though the slabs have been moved and I am sure that looks like a inspection or plunder pit? if I have got this wrong I,m really sorry for questioning it but it dont look right.
Balls! if you believe that give my list to Santa next time you see him,seriously though the slabs have been moved and I am sure that looks like a inspection or plunder pit? if I have got this wrong I,m really sorry for questioning it but it dont look right.

Lol there are VERY big holes under the tombs you're right there.