Whittingham Hospital (Fourth Lancashire County Asylum)

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2005
Reaction score
Bristol, UK.
Whittingham was built as the fourth lancashire county asylum and was originally the largest asylum in Europe.

It is now partly demolished, partly used, partly very derelict and partly abandoned.

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Re: Whittingham Hospital














Hi Folks,

I noticed that there is occasionally a bit of confusion over buildings at Whittingham. I thought i would put this map up to show what is/was what and that it may help new people that don't know the site. Its not meant to show 100% coverage or mega detailed but has most major buildings and landmarks and what has gone. In particular Cameron House Division is often mistaken for St. John's Division which was demolished a few years back around when the MSU/forensic unit was built.

can be found larger (readable size) here
Visited here Yesterday with Rookinella and Matthew after their snap decision to drive all the way up from Bath to pick me up(thanks guys) and have a look at the Asylum. We arrived at 7 in the morning and the place is really nice early morning, very nice indeed! I didn't really take many photos of the buildings etc as I have loads already but concentrated on the decay and things scattered about the place.











Note to everyone:

There was the normal security guard on last night (one with yellow Cinquecento) and also a 206 security car, when we drove up, they was walking back down towards the hut, so we parked up near the medium secure unit still being used on the car park, and went over the fields. One of the most nervy noises I have ever heard is the buzzing of an electric fence :skull:. Went around the pond, and as we were approaching it, something/someone startled the ducks, so we bombed across the grass towards the laundry, and entered via the usual route. Had much more of a look around this time, found the chalkboard which everyone seemed to have signed, but couldnt find chalk to do it with :confused:. Went upstairs in most cases, found a few places we didnt hit last time, etc. But it was getting late (2.30am) so we decided to leave it, and we only got home at 4am after frantically searching for an open petrol station :lol:. Will post the photos up on my Photobucket what were taken, not many though.

Sorry guys I've been offline all week-my internets been busted:( I thought I'd post up some pictures of my trip to Whittingham hospital from last year, hope you like them:)





All soon to be coming down within the next 18 months and thats offical!:skull:

Hi, I'm kind of new to this. I discovered that Whittingham hospital is abandonded. I contacted the poeple that are now in charge of it and was told that under no circumstance could I go and take photos. What is the security like there? is it safe to just go and get some pictures. I'm an artist and want to document some of my art in the building...
any advice...
At least when every building is pulled down to be replaced by 540 "sheds" the Abmin building and the 4 flanking wards left to right 4,3,11 and 12 will remain

EMMA;12465; said:
Hi, I'm kind of new to this. I discovered that Whittingham hospital is abandonded. I contacted the poeple that are now in charge of it and was told that under no circumstance could I go and take photos. What is the security like there? is it safe to just go and get some pictures. I'm an artist and want to document some of my art in the building...
any advice...

Most of the time you'll never get anywhere by asking the owners or security personnel - they're too scared of the repurcussions to even think about letting you inside. It might not be a good idea to go in on your own if you're inexperienced because the place was a 'bit knackered' a year ago when I visited, it's even more knackered now. I'm sure one of the local Whittingham regulars would be up for guiding you around.
lost;12647; said:
Most of the time you'll never get anywhere by asking the owners or security personnel - they're too scared of the repurcussions to even think about letting you inside. It might not be a good idea to go in on your own if you're inexperienced because the place was a 'bit knackered' a year ago when I visited, it's even more knackered now. I'm sure one of the local Whittingham regulars would be up for guiding you around.

^^^What he said. It's not that hard to get in, but don't go alone. We had someone on here saying it was too difficult to get in, but TBH, if you can't get in there, there isn't much else you would be able to do. All it takes is a keen eye for detail :lol:
Pennywise;12654; said:
^^^What he said. It's not that hard to get in, but don't go alone. We had someone on here saying it was too difficult to get in, but TBH, if you can't get in there, there isn't much else you would be able to do. All it takes is a keen eye for detail :lol:

I try not to expect any thing more than a Recce, I always go prepared with everything I can think of and I leave it in the car, then if I find an access point I am prepared for a full infiltration. And not disappointed (well depending on far I’ve traveled:D)
Going to places expecting a recce is a bit defeatist. I go expecting an explore and it usually happens!:)
I agree with Lost, if I drive for miles to get in somewhere, I'm gonna work my hardest to get in, if not, I'm gutted :(
Pagan;12669; said:
I agree with Lost, if I drive for miles to get in somewhere, I'm gonna work my hardest to get in, if not, I'm gutted :(

That’s my point I don't like being "gutted" but I do like enjoying a location whether I am inside or outside the building, simple!
For all the arty members who want somewhere easy, Whittingham is FUCKED inside in places. Over the last year, thanks to pikey damage and the buildings falling even more into disrepair, some of the floors no longer exist and some are extremely questionable. If you walk around there like a tourist, chances are you might just go through a floor and get hurt. There is broken glass everywhere, nails sticking out, scallies and pikeys roaming around, security do INTERNAL PATROLS alongside thier external patrols.

If you know where to look then access is a piece of piss. If you do get into the buildings, make sure you keep your enterance disguised. Some people like to make it glaringly obvious and this is annoying.

English Partnerships, in all thier arsehole glory, won't let you in any of thier sites. I believe thier has only been one case and they had some form of very expensive insurance for the trip and another fought hard just to get externals with permission. Correct me if I am wrong other members. Just go in our way if you are really determined.

On an end note, Whittingham has constant traffic of scum each day. As each of these days go by, more and more is getting trashed. I have been a couple of night now, hunting the little bastards but I haven't managed to collar any yet.
Azubi.UK;12887; said:
There is broken glass everywhere, nails sticking out, scallies and pikeys roaming around, security do INTERNAL PATROLS alongside thier external patrols.

After much debate and answers from other forum members, I now know what chavs and pikeys are, but...um...what are scallies please? (I obviously don't get out enough!) :D
Foxy :)

Just occured to me...short for scallywags maybe?

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