Southern Splore Tour Pt4 : Danbury Palace : June 2012

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Mars Lander

Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Sep 30, 2011
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Near Manchester
After our wonderings at the wonders of Lilesden Sshhhh... , Luckpants and I headed north, cutting past London marvelling at the unsightlyness of that red frame thing near the soon to be and now is Olympic stadium we're off to Chelmsford..ish

Too late to take a peek and we were getting more shattered by the minute we found some woods and a place to camp therein, only a couple of beers and we were out like lights, we awoke to a rare blazing sunny day , just ripe for sploring, and Danbury Palace was firmly in our sights, no one could tell the story of its past better than the legend that is NELLY >>>[ame=""][/ame]

This was for me anyway the Jewel of the tour a PALACE FFS! Must mention here special and big thanks to SK for the help with this ;)

Things went pretty smoothly and relatively without a hitch and we were in and it felt naughty :D

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ACCESS++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++


unlike Nelly and co's adventure we always get as high as we can pretty fast


and work our way down


This abstractly reminded me of a ship in Star Wars


no homage here tho only domage (groan) , you see what i did there haha


I was well into this place, am a bit fed up places that are too trashed, this was pretty special I mean even the floorboards were still down....WIN



and the fireplaces are still in, this for me is akin to a mirage



Like some other grand gaffs featured of late this also has THE staircase


and pretty special it is too...


also I encounter my first splore spiral albeit thoroughly in contrast to the rest of the house's artchitecture and seemingly thrown in with scant regard and gay abandon, how rude and inopportune to say the least :eek:


With such distaste in the air I seek more finery and am soon obliged, I mean check this mother out, door knob or what or wannabe star of Africa lool.


The lower floor rooms have fantastic light , like the sheen on the wood


and the windows...



Ah well its time for the off , we've had it pretty quiet , altho there are cars whizzing about every now and again, we thought we could hear someone with hedge trimmers just outside but it wasn't, it turned out to be the BIGGEST hornet/wasp/flyingdinosaur we ever saw the size of a disposable lighter hope Luckypants puts his pik up of it, the noise its wings made.

Anyway time to split....


... thanks for looking we off now to a crazy place you all know and love, look out for our last installment. Cheers guys n gals :)

Sshhhh.... and Luckpants will be along to share theirs too too​
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This was the one of the main reasons for our explore down south and though i was impressed i must admit i felt the majority was a little bare and in some way soulless, the fireplaces were beautiful and and the staircase so it was worth the effort to see:)





Fantastic fireplace

Even a palace needs a bog


Thanks for looking:)
Ah well its time for the off , we've had it pretty quiet , altho there are cars whizzing about every now and again, we thought we could hear someone with hedge trimmers just outsidebut it wasn't it turned out to be the BIGGEST hornet/wasp/flyingdinosaur we ever saw the size of a disposable lighter hope Luckypants puts his pik up of it, the noise its wings made.

Found it


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Absolute quality photos and I feel humbled!! I don't do compliments very well so we'll leave it there, but thank you.

I used to splore from the top down too, until we done a manor house a couple of years ago and walked though one of the upper bedrooms, all of a sudden the floor turned to a soggy sort of sponge and myself and SK had to get of it pretty carefully but quickly, when we got to the room below it we found that the whole of the floor above in that section of the building was held up on the rafters with Acrow Props, so it's always bottom upwards for me now ;)