My first post

Derelict Places

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Active member
Sep 23, 2013
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Let's try this again shall we...?

Hi all, I have been lurking here for a while enjoying the pictures and posts.
Now it's my turn...!
I live in the top corner of Switzerland in Basel, you may know that Switzerland is ground zero for derelict military sites, correction, not all are derelict, only "asleep" and can be activated at a moments notice, in a national emergency CH can get 95% of the population in bunkers within 24 hours, and every house built after 1972 is required by law to have a nuke-proof shelter in the basement. But that is not going to be the main topic for my first post.
I want to show you some pictures from a place called Bobingen, a little town in Germany to the south of Augsburg, a town that is forever trying to forget the past.
In Bobingen there is a factory called "Trevira" a factory where man-made fibers are woven, it used to be called Höchst, a chemical factory and at a time when evil reigned it was called IG-Farben, also a chemical factory and manufactured chemicals for war and death and destruction.
Today the factory is full of nice, square and functional buildings from the 1960ties and the seventies, but in the forest to the south are older buildings of a more sinister nature.
During the time of darkness the factory in Bobingen was part of the system called Konzentrationslager Dachau, an outpost dedicated to the manufacture of explosives and chemicals that make the news even to this day. Sarin and Tabun, originally insecticides invented to boost crop yields and feed people all over the world, corrupted by war but thankfully never used in that conflict, unlike another originally benevolent agricultural product, now forever linked with suffering, death and genocide, Zyklon B.
Blown bunkers in a forest rendered useless to forest husbandry by concrete and steel.
A paradise for deer, badgers, rare birds and insects that are almost extinct in the surrounding farmland.
Collapsed, only the door remains.
A blast wall standing as a lone sentinel.
The railway station in the woods, transport for raw materials, chemicals, steel, people.
Retaken by nature, almost picturesque.
Only the ruins to remind us
Never again!

The Bunkers and hardened buildings were for most part blown by the Americans, however some of the buildings were boobytrapped and continued to kill and maim long after the war, parts of the grounds were so contaminated by explosive compounds that until the 70ties and a big clean up the earth itself was considered explosive and in the nineties ABC-experts from France found traces of Sarin and Tabun in the ruins. I used to live and work in one of the remaining buildings and at late at nights, I swear to god, from time to time when the wind died down and the night went quiet, I could hear footsteps in the empty building, I could hear water rushing and almost but not quite catch voices.
But that could have been my imagination..!
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Really interesting Slammer thank you.

I've tidied up the thread so that the post with working photos is at the top and moved it into the overseas sites forum as it's not in the UK!