The little house in Alsace

Derelict Places

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Active member
Sep 23, 2013
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I have often wondered if I was alone and if it is not a sign of my own personal crazy that I have an affection for derelict and abandoned places and buildings, I have long known that there are others, who like me stand in awe where people once lived and worked and loved and died and now are slowly fading away, things that will never be in the history books or places to visit before you die, and perhaps a visit from you or me is the first time in ages that the empty rooms echo with footsteps.
So I am quite happy to have found this forum and a place to share with people who look at a building and see behind the decay.
Most of my pictures and reports will be from the back of Iron Pig, Iron Pig is a BMW LT 1100.
So let's saddle up, kick the tires and light the fires.
The Elsaß is a curious region in the heart of Europe, for centuries a pingpong ball, at one time in a game between the Franks and the Holy Roman Empire of Germanic states, then between the Germans and the French, back and forth, back and forth, now the lines have been drawn for a final time, hopefully never to change.
To say the region is steeped in history is an understatement.
During a ride on the pig I came across this old farmhouse, now being reclaimed by nature.
Here, take a look.
Crushing vines overpowering like a wave.
I am not too sure that I want to go in, inside are ghosts.
A fire waiting to happen, perhaps the next thunderstorm.
Soon, very soon nothing will be left but a mound and a forgotten house, something for future archeologist to wonder about.
How many people have looked out of that window?
But it's not all picture perfect and scenic, a M4 A1 "Sherman" tank nicknamed "Austerlitz" by it's commander Jean de Loisy who was killed along with his crew in Mulhouse by a German Panzerfaust, the tank is still standing where it was killed, I am not going to post the pictures I took from through the hole, its just shattered and charred and melted iron, somebody had been inside in the decades and drawn a crude dick on the remains of the commanders seat.
Now new buildings are being built around the tank and I can't help myself but that is one sad looking tank.
Wow, great place,looks like Pigs younger brother is hanging from the window of the place which I ight add I would not have tried to enter. I thought that tank would have bee carted off to a Museum by now.
What an interesting house, looks like in could be 18th century :) How unusual for the tank to still be there....