Castle Mill, Axminster, Devon - August 2007

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Jan 13, 2007
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East Devon's Jurassic Park!
Having some spare time until my return bus journey from an appointment in Axminster, I decided to have a wander down to a bridge where I thought I'd find some pillboxes. No pillboxes though (wrong bridge! :confused:), but I found this loevly old factory instead.
The ground floor is taken up by a feed merchant but the remaining upper floors are derelict. Behind the front building is another, larger one, which cannot be accessed from the outside. I went inside to ask permission to go through, but two huge barking Alsations barred my way! :eek: So I backed out again! :D
I tried searching for the industrial history of the mill but couldn't find anything. However, I might be able to get some info from the Axminster Museum the next time I'm in the town. If so, I'll post it up.









Foxy :)
Re: Castle Mill, Axminster, Devon - 30/8/07

Aah yes that is the one I'm thinking of, when Bishop and I were there the gates were closed and the yard had a rather large Alsation guarding it.

On the other side of the road there is an old WW2 depot which was converted into a coal store in the 50s and is now mostly garages.
Re: Castle Mill, Axminster, Devon - 30/8/07

Aah yes that is the one I'm thinking of, when Bishop and I were there the gates were closed and the yard had a rather large Alsation guarding it..
Two of the so and so's now! :lol:

On the other side of the road there is an old WW2 depot which was converted into a coal store in the 50s and is now mostly garages.
Cheers for that, Krela. I know where you mean. There's lots of old buildings there that look as if they were something quite different at one time. I shall have to take another look at that one. :)
Re: Castle Mill, Axminster, Devon - 30/8/07

More great pics foxy, that place looks really intresting I want to know what they are garding :eek:, next time take a string of sausages:lol: it works in cartoons:exclaim:
Re: Castle Mill, Axminster, Devon - 30/8/07

(thinks to self must use public transport more for good sites)

Yeh, it's amazing what you can see from a bus; especially with the high Devon banks it's a lot better to see over than from inside a car.

I want to know what they are garding :eek:, next time take a string of sausages:lol: it works in cartoons:exclaim:

:lol: :lol: :lol: The problem is when you leg it down the road still holding one end of the string with barking dogs in tow snapping at your heels. HeeHee.

Thanks for your comments guys. :)
Re: Castle Mill, Axminster, Devon - 30/8/07

Hi Foxylady
My son used to live in one of the cottages just over the bridge from Castle Mill. I often walked past it and thought it looked an interesting place to explore. The dogs put paid to that though and often barked even when just walking past the entrance, so thought it best to leave well alone. Looks like you got nearer to the building than me. Nice to see some pictures from closer range. Never did see anything going on there though so was a bit curious as to why security was so tight ! They certainly dont want anyone snooping about thats for sure.
Re: Castle Mill, Axminster, Devon - 30/8/07

Never did see anything going on there though so was a bit curious as to why security was so tight ! They certainly dont want anyone snooping about thats for sure.

Hi tonyque2
Thanks for your comments.
I think I may have got in because there was a truck unloading when I first walked up the drive. When the dogs barked (fortunately they were behind an inner glass door - phew!) and I backed out, the owner came out and shouted at me 'What you after?' I explained that I liked old buildings and asked if it's okay for me to take pics. He was alright then, and left me to it.
I didn't ask if I could go in though, as something didn't feel right. Rather weird, eh? It's only supposed to be a pet feed merchant, too. Or used to be...there are pet cages near the entrance which are empty and derelict, and we only have the sign at the entrance to tell us that's what it is. Oooer! :eek::lol:
Cheers :)
Foxylady - how interesting! Sounds like a case for the Famous Five to me! I lived in Axminster for a year and always wondered what might be inside those is strange down by the river there - have you seen the old feather factory? That's weird too if you peer in the windows...strange machinery and faded feathers in paper bags that look like they haven't been touched for years!

Anyway I only just joined this site but have really enjoyed reading about all these places in Devon that I didn't know existed. I'll have to check out some of your tips and go exploring (I live in Honiton now, so lots close by it would seem).

...have you seen the old feather factory? That's weird too if you peer in the windows...strange machinery and faded feathers in paper bags that look like they haven't been touched for years!

Yes, I know what you mean! I did wonder if it's still a going concern because it looks so quiet and strange. Maybe another visit down there is in order at some time. :mrgreen:

Email great to hook up sometime. And welcome to DP, btw. :)

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