Castleford ROC Post, Staffs - 14/7/07

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Jan 13, 2007
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East Devon's Jurassic Park!
This was the last but one explore of the Staffs Exploration Day. Just a couple of photos which were on the start of a film which I'd only finished and had processed today.
I didn't go inside the post, btw! :eek:



Foxy :)
A ROC post is the most un-threatening explore in the world, unless you don't like small dark spaces.
tut go back and take someone with you and get some shots inside

Aaaah! There were was one of the explores we did on the Staffs Explore weekend, back in July. Two of the guys went in (and presumably took pics), but no-one else posted about it.

...unless you don't like small dark spaces.

Hope Smileysal doesn't mind me saying, but that was a problem for her, although she did try but couldn't make it down there. For me, it was the physical thing of climbing in and down the ladder, plus it was the end of a very long day and I was totally knackered by then. :neutral:

Cheers :)
Nice pics Foxy :)

To add me two penneth, could the other reason for not venturing inside be the fact that there was a killer horse lurking in the field?!! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: No, but there was a very scary lot of brambles and their Scottish cousins (thistles). :eek: ;)
Afraid I just don't do ladders, really. :(

Ahh yes, those pesky UE-seeking brambles -don't you just hate it when they jump up and attack you?! :lol:
Hmm, only a ladder -best to make a complaint and get a lift installed? :mrgreen:;)

Having been down 2 ROC posts, once you've seen one, you've seen them all. Unless it's not been trashed:)
Unfortunatly, I forgot to take pics. I'd love to see one that has been restored with all the things in it.

If I'm not mistaken, I think there was something about an ROC post that some people off the other forum wanted to restore to cold war condition in Knutsford.:question:
Hi Al
Subterranea Brittanica have an on-going ROC survey, along with other cold war bunkers. The link's in the links section on the last bit of the forum lists. :)
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