N.K.P.S... 'Working up a sweat for the baby Jesus' Feb '14

Derelict Places

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perjury saint

Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Apr 12, 2012
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12 months or so ago me n NK saw this place pop up elsewhere on t'interweb and immediately wanted it, BADLY!! But all our research was to no avail and after a few months of red herrings and head scratching we tucked it away in the back of our minds and got on with other moochings...
And then it pops up again... Cue some frantic research activity from the wellied wonder (she's very good at it!!) and BOOM!! There it is!!
Instantly all the previous plans for the weekend go out the window, we're in the motor and tearing up the tarmac at some ungodly hour, pouring strong coffee down our necks and chugging on roll ups all in the name of...
...Working up a sweat for the baby Jesus...
We must aplologise in advance for the ridiculous amount of photos here!! It was VERY hard for the pair of us to choose which ones to use so we're chuckin loads at ya!!! :)



jkk_zpsfaf887d8.jpg nmm_zpsefcedab4.jpg

2_zpsd5d1fed2.jpg 1_zps75aa54a7.jpg



hytt_zps37c034c7.jpg jkii_zps0dda570a.jpg





As always... Thanks for lookin... :)
And lo, the death of another fine explore begins.
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And lo, the death of another fine explore begins, soon to be filled with hoardes of mask wearing twonks.

whats that meant to mean...I found it with no help at all...quite easily actually...and the one reason that as you say so nicely...And lo, the death of another fine explore begins, soon to be filled with hoardes of mask wearing twonks....yes true..its on a certain forum all of a sudden in np so bound to happen :(
whats that meant to mean...I found it with no help at all...quite easily actually...and the one reason that as you say so nicely...And lo, the death of another fine explore begins, soon to be filled with hoardes of mask wearing twonks....yes true..its on a certain forum all of a sudden in np so bound to happen :(

Jesus be with the place now everyone know it was so easy to find hey!
Jesus be with the place now everyone know it was so easy to find hey!

thes alot of jesus there already :) i had a massive amount of info ide researched last year when i saw her..i was lucky to see a report of recent come up on another forum..so a few cross references and searching (which we all do )with my old research and bang! there she is..i love to research lol :)
Stunning as ever. Nowt beats that feeling of researching for hours then finding it, very rewarding indeed. Honestly dont know how you guys keep pulling these gems out!, but please keep it up
Locations like this are always mega easy to find (took me less than 5mins) so don't see why your all kicking off with them!

Either way, awesome shots both, love sites like this and you've captured it very well!