Katies House : Febuary 2014

Derelict Places

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Mars Lander

Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Sep 30, 2011
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Near Manchester
Good day fellow explorers, peepers and lurkers.

Getting a tight close knit team or crew, who you can trust is a valueable commodity in this day and age. Sshhhh... and I have been lucky in meeting and finding all kinds of explorers and made some fantastic friends. Friends that if it wasn't for exploring related pursuits, we might never have even met.

One of which had an amazing tip off from none other than his 9 year old daughter Katey. I don't think he or us were prepared for what we were soon about to see.

Ladies and Gentleman come with us as we explore...


The external does hint and yet also takes away what one might expect to find within.

A rather unkempt and sorry looking fox skulks past us and into the nearby undergrowth and watches us intently, as we also watch out for the dog patrols etc.

No externals from me again on this virgin explore as they always give too much away.

Within moments of entering we see this most curios and engaging of stairwells.


None of us had small change for small talk on the phone, to elucidate our loved ones the exact nature of our day and what we were seeing, so we pressed on and in.


These stairs go all the way to the top but then again don't they all? Where these differ from your usual grand manorisms is the fabulous ornamental panellings with their unique textured pattern inlays


Into the hall and we are pretty taken aback , this place is going to be ....special.


A quick nip into the cellar and a rare detail shot from me. This time using a vintage 29mm m42 lens as opposed to my usual choice of a 50mm Meyer Optik Gorlitz. Which is such a discipline and akin to using a telescope in a matchbox to me. As being more accustomed to the joys of various 'wangles. Anyhow this blast from the past 1952 NCB certificate was superb I thought and quite at odds with the house in general.


Then we saw ....


What can I say.. just astounding really.


With zero chavvery this place was the business, I keep hearing constantly get to Euro-land , there's nothing left to explore in the UK. I don't know what else is out there but we are determined to squeeze every last drop out of the British explores and we aren't going to run dry anytime soon. A constant belief that there is gold out there prevails.


What more could you want on an explore, chandeliers and cobwebs, wood panelling and decay, desks and dust, paintings on the wall of ancestors and fungi , well didn't see that but some of them could of been ;)


Loose artefacts are a little thin on the ground but not completely devoid thereof


and no connection to each other , a composition of the absurd , who would brush with a glass cutter? I know, that big gollof with metal teeth gnashers from "Moonraker" 'Jaws'


Before we go upstairs and is usally the case in these 'modest' abodes nowhere near as grand as the downstairs, take a look at this absolute rarity and beauty. A blue, octagon shaped room...if this room was a song it most certainly would be "White Rabbit" with added Absynthe.


How many pianos does one need, Dear lady!.


One of our party once informed of the possible grandeur within, came suitably dressed to be a temporay Lord of the manor for the day, complete with smoking hat and a fine calabash. Meet Lord Grey Beard the III


Its not till I got home and looked at this magnificent Kite ceilinged room, that I saw that the door I had come through was of the secret variety, you can just see it, slightly ajar in the right hand corner.


Another keyboard . what the absolute blazes! It would of been even better if it came out the floor on a little lift complete with some naked organists ala "Monty Python" styleeeee.


One more glimpse into this house of marvel another upstairs room that is almost comparable in terms of frivolous features with that of the downstairs lavishness


Its getting time to leave, who knows the score if we get got here, especially looking at the state of the outside fox , which really looks like the hounds have coughed it up many times and its taken another bid for escape, covered in yet another coating of rabid slaverings.

Bonus double pix, 360 look around action here, its like your stood there with us ffS! just move your mouse around and take a lookee, just hope the magic servers are reliable enough.


Thats it from us, your local friendly , mask sporting , HDR lovin' , 'splorists' bringing you unseen, cream. CHEERS all :)


Next time.. we endure a pitchfork attack, have fun getting on Google Maps street view and more ! < (need another phrase for the 'quoters' mmmm let's see ;)

More although not much more at... http://wwwtheuninvited.co.uk
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This has confirmed it for me... I need to meet you guys, not because of the amazing places you go, but I can tell that wandering around with you lot would be great fun!

Real nice place.
this is beyond stunning, both images and locations. jealous doesn't come close, greener than summer grass, just about does, grrr!

thanks for sharing
Thoroughly excellent photographs with a witty and informative commentary. I rather think it doesnt get better than this, Sir. Well Done!
Just when i thought you guys had run out of spectacular locations you pull this one out of the bag well done guys its a fantastic report
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you guys really upped the mark with this lil beauty...i want little katy as my new best friend..give her my number..i have makeup and lots of days shopping for swapsies! joking aside this is simply beautilicious! i love your adventures!!!!
Love the way all your pictures seem to have been shot at dawn or dusk - they always have that shabby chic/ halcyon days of Empire lost look about them.
Love the way all your pictures seem to have been shot at dawn or dusk - they always have that shabby chic/ halcyon days of Empire lost look about them.

Cheers, glad you picked up on that, I spent an age making a custom colour curve and then a selective colour preset and by adjusting the adjustment layer sliders between them I can get full on vintage or Hollywood orange and teal (transformers) look

its been a labour of love just the colouring and then when am finished I knock it down by half in case its tooo much and also bring back the original colours again, and hopefully the finished result is like you say.

Beautiful description you gave of it :)

And Thanks to all of you for your wonderful comments. its very much deeply appreciated. :)
As a beginner it's this sort of report that inspires me so much..just in awe at this.thank you for the great pics.