The Ark : Feb 2014

Derelict Places

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Mars Lander

Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Sep 30, 2011
Reaction score
Near Manchester
Der Doo..

Continuing on from the [ame=""]Katies House report[/ame], which I know am not really going to be able to match...for a while at least.

This adventure came about because of a massive fail at the new wonder that is the "Sweat Shop" featured sterlingly on here by team NKPS.

We were in at the crack of dawn. I nearly fell head first over a 15 foot wall in haste to get in. Much red herrings encountered and then bumped into a couple from another certain forum who had come in a different way and were flummoxed too. One of our crew found a way in and we showed them in ,.. ooh the shame :) haha.

Fate wasn't with us or was it? Moments in and only getting this...


We hear "AARRGGGHH! what the bloody hell do you think your're doing here?" and in charged pitchfork man, it was a most surreal experience to say the least, it was akin to a carry on version of "Charge of the Light Brigade" or "Zulu" fix bayonets, that kind of thing.

Despite it being real and feeling strangely detached from it all, it was the most unthreatening pitchfork threats I could imagine and it was all I could do not to smile or laugh as this I would of thought, would have appeared rude.


After we made friends and were thrown out, accompanied all the way by our less than happy , impromptu tour guide we were off.

Oh what to do, we had glimpsed epic and not had nearly enough! We walked back to the car and watched the video footage of our comedic exiting. We drove further away and had a mooch at another haunt , I wanted to see the oft over looked Chocolate fountain so went to get a snap...


Whilst we packed our things back in the car, we spied coming down the road at a slow speed, the Google Earth cam car. Knowing they blur your faces out we saved them the job, 2 of us donned the MASKS! and I filled my face with my cam, standing in the road we are zapped , be ace if they did a special Google street view of us in HDR! Taking the 'splorists' global ..get in.

So here we are, still soo early in the day and only 3 shots , a clock face , an angry face and chocolate place . haha ....Sorry I couldn't resist that .

We pointed the sat nav to somewhere I really wanted to go and had previously told my wonderful comrades that I kinda half hoped we would get 'got' so we could go here. This mentality they had already said, wasn't a good thing, lool, too late we are going to more 'have you started shaving yet? cream ' ( that do ya haha :D ) courtesy of our beloved 'Barnabus'.

Where ALL others have been previously thwarted in their efforts, a good pitchfork induced push, favoured the brave, swapping one religion for another we are off to ...


We are in, beaming like the Sun, it looks like anytime is a good time...


Which way to go? We're going down baby!..


And here we are pre performance , aint that just grand.


Back up stairs again and its quite sobering really... for all kinds of reasons. The place isn't in mint condition but not too bad, mainly age and damp damage.


It's quite amazing really whats left behind in parts...


Upstairs we carry on passing through messy offices full of random objectalia..


We prepare ourselves as we see the sign for the main event, despite what some people would tell you, it's not us who are the members ;)


Ladies and Gentlmen , you saw it here first! , Welcome to the ARK!


We were in awe of the some!


I think Sshhhh...'s image captures this genuine 'Beauty in Decay" perfectly! :D


We wonder around and marvel at the sights that surround


If the cap fits.....


Not seen one of these for ages a pedal organ that still works too, be good if someone came up with a modern exercise bike version that you pedal to get fit whilst playing your organ or does that sound wrong?


Behind an office door in the darker recesses and a panel of name tags with little candles that still light up when you press the little buttons.


Before we leave for one more place , unfortunatley not DP friendly as its Where Taxis goto die! ah well ...Ladies and Gentlemen this song was written by a bad friend of mine and it goes just a little bit like this....


BONUS 360 x 180 action!!!! Use your mouse to look around the ARK, sadly only one this time and its a little messed up but you'll get the idea.

One of those days that will last forever in mind and spirit in the fantastic company of Sshhhh... , Barnabus, GreyBeard and Karma.

Cheers for looking , hope you enjoyed these latest outputs ...I think the next from me will be a little blast from the past of Boxing Day just gone.

More at ...very slowly at plus our page on facebook different images EVERY day!! at

Peace x​
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You must have bin really forked off when your first explore got cut short, but your next one. would have. eased any disappointment you felt. Loved the report and Pics, Many Thanks.
once again a deep sigh of frustration exits me as i look at the stunning images and location documented here. please stop raising the bar, its getting increasingly hard for the rest of us to keep up.

thanks for sharing, stunning

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