Winston Barracks (Lanark)

Derelict Places

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Dec 30, 2007
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I thought it would be worth posting on here that Winston Barracks is soon to be knocked down and houses built on the site. I plan to go there myself to get as many photos as possible, and I advise anyone interested in the place to do the same, as I don't know a date for when the work starts.
There's no security, only an old couple living just near the entrance, but I don't think they care. I drive past it all the time, and it has always looked really interesting, but I've only ever been there once. Perhaps it was a misguided thing to do, to make my first visit to an abandoned barracks in the middle of the night, I scared the bejesus out of myself...
If anyone's interested, I can post the pics I take and link to them I suppose, but if nobody cares, I'll not :p
Not seen any pics of Winston Barracks for ages. Your photos would be very much welcomed.
Hi DCI Smith, will need to take a trip there before it gets demolished, the barracks are about 50mins to an hour away from me so not too bad. Will need to get down there soon.

Hi DCI Smith,

Yes please on the photo's of the barracks. Just found the application hearing info for it.

looks like anyone who wishes to see it needs to get in there sooner rather than later. Cheers for the heads up DCI Smith. And welcome to Derelict Places.

:) Sal
There's no security, only an old couple living just near the entrance, but I don't think they care.

They do care, If they see anyone on site they jump in the car and the old man gets out and shoo's you out with his (bored) dog while she threatens to call the police. The buildings are randomly boarded with strange bits of whatever lying about, it must be them trying to keep the buildings secure!

A few pics from Autumn 2006



Boiler House



The old man and his dog!
Yeah, I thank you for the pics as well, now even more looking forward to going there! I really want to go just now but it's raining, so a visit tomorrow is probably going to be on the cards.
Hmm, maybe the old couple just couldn't be bothered going after me cause it was night time, cause the guy was looking directly at me last time I drove in, but he never came out. I would be worried, but according to my law teacher, in Scotland the rules of trespassing are quite loose, you can't actually be thrown out of the site if you aren't doing any damage, they can threaten all they want, but as long as you do nothing wrong, you're pretty much safe.
Thanks for the welcome to the site as well, I think I'm going to like it here. Ugh that sounded cheesy.
I wonder how many points the I-Spy book Of Urbexing awards for a chintzy bar?
I'm severely depressed

Work has started on my barracks before I had a chance to properly explore it. Now my only chance is going there this weekend in the hope that the workers and grumpy man aren't there.

And I need something else in my area to go to. Any suggestions?