thats cool Reaperman I understand I do shoot a lot more traditional shots but they are mainly on film.
anyway you know when you edit your photos down from loads to a few and there are some you wish you are not sure about. well these are the ones, I decided I wanted to post after looking at them again.
...but suffice to say they arnt my cup of tea.
Some of these kinds of images are for me, but some aren't. I find over-used HDR is too showy and ostentatious in a blowsy, baroque sort of way, and is totally false-looking and unnecessary for my taste. The first pic in the last batch is just bordering on that for me, but I do like the rest of them. Especially the one with the book. That is really nice.
The first one in the last batch is not HDR it is just well exposed, the trees in the window have then been burnt in using photoshop and levels have been adjusted as well.