History stolen from Gronk on 28dl who in turn stole it from somewhere else
During World War 2 the site was originally commissioned as an anti aircraft defence site, to defend Crewe. The guns were never delivered as the threats from bombing had gone. Initially German, then Italian POW’s were stationed at the camp and worked on farms during and after the war. Although Weston wasn’t assigned a camp number it was a satellite camp of another camp in the area therefore not assigned an official camp number and very often forgotten about. Some of the Weston POWs stayed in the area, married local girls, raised families and lived happily in the area for many years after the war.
Prisoners held at Weston were typical ‘white’ prisoners unlike many, after capture and interrogation they were deemed not politically motivated. Just regular young men unfortunate to be caught up in the politics of war. The prisoners in this camp after gaining the trust of the guards were able to engage in local community events and in some instances wander free in and out of the camps outside of their working hours.
Prisoners held at Weston were typical ‘white’ prisoners unlike many, after capture and interrogation they were deemed not politically motivated. Just regular young men unfortunate to be caught up in the politics of war. The prisoners in this camp after gaining the trust of the guards were able to engage in local community events and in some instances wander free in and out of the camps outside of their working hours.
I had been told not to go here as it was "just a load of **** sheds" but after seeing some pics from Snapt and learning he was planning a re-visit I Arranged to meet him and another non member, Waveydave, at the nearby pub.
Pint of Guinness later and we were there.
Pint of Guinness later and we were there.
Now the initial assesment of "**** sheds" was in all fairness quite accurate but the sun was shinning with broken clouds and it was 22 degrees so the light was excellent
Some pics
Open by www.tbolt-photography.com, on Flickr
It's fair to say I loved this place, it's a bit samey but on a day like that it was really nice.
7/10 from me, hope you enjoyed it.
7/10 from me, hope you enjoyed it.