Sylvia's Cottage
Sometime this year I was in the area, looking for something to explore on the route home, remembered I had a few things to tick off, so this was the first of them, thanks to Mikey for the heads up on this one, it is a rather delightful place, if not rather isolated being far back from the roadside.
This place had a fondness about it, something about its setting its layout and the odds and ends that was left laying about, just made this cottage rather cosy with little to no real evidence who lived here, a christmas card was on the floor in the living room, addressed to Sylvia so I guess this lady lived here at somepoint. (hence the name).
Not much else is to be said but the finer details and its contents made this a really relaxed and enjoyable place to capture.
On with the shots!
Thanks for looking
Sometime this year I was in the area, looking for something to explore on the route home, remembered I had a few things to tick off, so this was the first of them, thanks to Mikey for the heads up on this one, it is a rather delightful place, if not rather isolated being far back from the roadside.
This place had a fondness about it, something about its setting its layout and the odds and ends that was left laying about, just made this cottage rather cosy with little to no real evidence who lived here, a christmas card was on the floor in the living room, addressed to Sylvia so I guess this lady lived here at somepoint. (hence the name).
Not much else is to be said but the finer details and its contents made this a really relaxed and enjoyable place to capture.
On with the shots!
Thanks for looking