This farm house was stumbled upon after visiting the infamous 'Lullaby House'(thanks to Mikeymutt for the info on that one!). We went for a very short stroll after Jon6D found a "potential" a little walk away from the Lullaby House via the power of Google Earth..... and so we went on search for the neighbouring house. The farm is active with quad biking farmers, so a few darting runs were required. Unlike the crammed nostalgic possessions within the nearby Lullaby House,this house was virtually empty. It was worth the look though, as was pleasantly pleased with the colours,the few items left, fireplaces, old wooden finely made stair banister, the outdoor bread oven..... the house was typically abandoned apart from one room that was pristine and looked new - a strange sight compared to the rest of the house. A room we assumed was made to house the farmer's dogs (luckily not there at that time). Unable to gather any info or history on this one. Not one of my better ones sorry but still worth a look (report / documenting) - hope you enjoy......
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