Back on the UK stuff now 
At the weekend I took a little trip eastwards and had a rather successful day, although if a nosey curtain twitchy neighbour hadn't spoiled one of the places it would have been 5/5 successes rather than 4/5. But that's still way above my average day normally haha.
Anyway both me and my friend had wanted to see this little cottage for some time not really for the house but for the very rare Datsun 1200 saloon that sits outside it. As it happened though I rather enjoyed the little house, the upstairs is crammed full of stuff mostly normal everyday hoarder stuff but there is rather a lot of 'unusual' material in there.
Thanks for looking
At the weekend I took a little trip eastwards and had a rather successful day, although if a nosey curtain twitchy neighbour hadn't spoiled one of the places it would have been 5/5 successes rather than 4/5. But that's still way above my average day normally haha.
Anyway both me and my friend had wanted to see this little cottage for some time not really for the house but for the very rare Datsun 1200 saloon that sits outside it. As it happened though I rather enjoyed the little house, the upstairs is crammed full of stuff mostly normal everyday hoarder stuff but there is rather a lot of 'unusual' material in there.

Thanks for looking