The Esoteric House...
I guess another gem for the books and this ongoing project, I have to say this one appeared out of thin air to say the least, after working on a few routes and maps, it was time to check this lonely old home out, unsure if it would be worth looking at, driving down the dead end road one night, I decided to have a nose, after navigating and avoiding a few dog walkers that obviously had nothing much to do on that evening, I finally began to put some of my latest map work to use.
After checking it out and seeing what I needed, I decided I would find a quiet road to get some sleep, set the most annoying alarm I had on my phone, an await till sunrise to explore it and I wasnt let down one bit.
Inside was really beautiful for a few reasons, but something about this home had me on edge, as I made my way around it the back of the house had a fair amount of tractors wasnt sure if they was in use, but I hadnt seen or spotted them when I took my first look, the cars becoming overgrown and looked as though they had not moved in months maybe a few years, but once inside I was completely at ease, the extensions roof had collapsed and the decay had really set in here, the kitchen boring and standard not much to offer from a photography standpoint, the living room was amazing, you will see why below the fact nature had knocked over things in an attempt to "grow" was incredible and it was claiming the last occupants possessions! insane to say the least I had never seen nature overtake such a pristine house..
Moving into the next room it was clear alot had been sorted into bags, but how long ago this was I had no clue, the stained glass windows and the odds an ends proved lovely, as I made my way upstairs some awesome Hasnat equipment was hung up, along with umbrellas and walking stick, upstairs bathroom was rather beautiful, the mirror of the farmer and his gun was cool to see and yet completely untouched, I had struck gold to be honest, looking outside I took a shot of what remained, inside one bedroom it was completely empty minus an old ladder... the next two rooms was rather special, a room packed with bits and pieces, I instantly began photographing all that really caught my eye, the bedroom opposite some erotic, which kinda went with a book I noticed in the bathroom, then I saw a safe still locked no key... Still kinda unsure who did live here but I didnt pry to much just focused on what I thought may be of interest.
Anyway enough talking this project is rather crazy and its seeing me travel more an more, but I am undoubtedly loving it! certainly some fresh air I needed.
And that is your lot from here, more new explores uploading soon! Cheers for looking