Crown Theatre, Eccles. April 2018

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Nov 28, 2016
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Had a look in here earlier in the year after an fail near by. A grand example of dereliction on the outside and a crumbing mess on the inside. Nice little wander as it turned out. There is enough features and bits still knocking about to make it interesting and I enjoyed having a look around and getting some snaps. Visited with non member Paul.
The Crown opened in 1899 as the Lyceum Theatre. The intention was to provide a luxury theatre for Shakespeare productions and drama as well as revue. It is a landmark building in the town of Eccles in a vaguely Elizabethan Style with pilasters and mullioned windows. The facade is constructed of moulded red brick of five storeys with terracotta dressings to three high arched windows at first floor. It is richly decorated, and has an asymmetrically placed short corner tower. This once had a pyramidal roof and the parapet was topped with square pinnacles. The cast iron copy still survives, now encased. The auditorium was designed with three balconies, supported by four columns. The ornamentation of the proscenium comprised an allegorical representation of Shakespeare's 'Seven Ages of Man'. The act drop was a facsimile of Beverley's noted work for the opening of the Theatre Royal (Manchester) in 1845 - a Grecian subject painted by Mr Keith. Becoming a cinema in 1932, it was later adapted for Cinemascope, ending stage use. Converted for bingo in 1963, by the late 1980s it was reported to be falling into disrepair internally. The exterior is largely intact, apart from the stage house which has been partly demolished. Planning permission was given in 2005 - and again in 2008 - for partial demolition (retaining the facade) and development of apartments behind. Since then the building has become more dilapidated and a new planning application for a residential and retail development submitted in 2016 proposes complete demolition of the theatre.













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Nice pics and report
but bloody nora thats gone downhill from a couple of years back and it was a wreck then
Kin ell that's a bit grim inside - the externals looked promising.
I know missing roof equals rotting internals but surely those walls are still sound? Really grates me when developers want to rip down places like this to make way for a token shopping stop. I've seen large structures around Newcastle literally torched to nothing inside yet they were able to keep those externals and make it all good again.

Getting back to this one - looks big externally but small inside? I think angles are confusing me! Looks like the type of place you'd find a body never mind a druggie..
That is a total mess. I can see very vaguely some art deco features. But the floors are just about rotten. Must have been risky taking photos here.
Even though this place is a mess it's still photogenic in my eyes
Thanks for the comments. The place was fucked but not as bad to walk about in as it looks.
Beautiful exterior, ok it's fucked inside but still a great place to photograph and explore, I like it:glee: