Golden Drop House, Chatteris June 2019

Derelict Places

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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Sep 8, 2009
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The first of a few sadly fairly uninspiring locations I did at the weekend just gone in proper soggy conditions, having had a change of plans I was left with a lot of 'go-and-see' type places I had pinned for a while but never checked out.

The first of which is Golden Drop house, a name I never expected to find on the OS Map I consulted to get it's actual name afterwards. I had gone past it a few times on the way to other places but never stopped in to see if it was any good, but finally did. It wasn't very good, as it turned out, with precious little left inside other than a whole load of family photos and a lot of books and manuals. The previous occupant was obviously well into naval history and worked in a dockyard, with certifications from his employment as well as training manuals and all sorts of warship books left scattered in wet piles.

After battling through the waist high nettles we made it in, and spent maybe ten minutes poking around before leaving. They can't all be untouched time capsule sadly, but if you don't go, you'll never know.









Thanks for looking...not at all groundbreaking but there you go!​
Actually, this is of interest to me, so big thanks for posting.
We visited 4 years ago, and it was seriously cluttered with stuff; so much, that you could barely move in the kitchen.
Used to be lots of family portraits lying around, and was possibly an interesting story connected with the place. Long forgotten now.
Looks different now; significantly cleared out.
thanks for sharing
Lots of copper stolen.
Looks like it would make a very good house that. Seems strong and sturdy. Never ceases to fascinate me how places are sometimes left like that..
I enjoyed the report. Better still, it ticked one off your list too.

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