Derby Police Station & Magistrates Court - May 2008

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Mar 25, 2008
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I'd been thinking about this for a while, and after the success The_Revolution and I enjoyed yesterday I decided it was time. Ashless, The_Revolution and myself headed over to the site and gained access. It took a while for us to find a way into the building, but in we went.

I can't find any history on this site. From what I can gather it appears that there used to be a police station in the Market Square. At some point the magistrates court was built and incorporated a small police station and cells. More recently (1960's ?) a large police station was built on the area next to the magistrates court, and later extended providing direct access between the two.

The Police Station

Corridor leading from the main staff entrance. As you can see, it was a nice sunny day :)

Rec room, containing a stage and many Christmas decorations

The corridor linking the brick tower with the blue extension

Evidence tags were in evidence

Weighing scales in the kitchen


Security Status

Witness Statement

There are a lot of beer bottles around here. I suspect there was quite a leaving party.
Beer bottles, with Ashless in the background.

Station steps

Evidence Room

Vehicle maintenance and examination area

Slightly unusual angle on the tyre changing machine

Skylight, into the pavement


The Batphone!

Floor plans

A fab electric box


Found randomly in one of the offices

These words are nectar to my kind...

View from the rooftops

Magistrates photos to follow
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BTW the batphone is a WB1400 carrier/receiver for the nuclear attack warning system we used to have. Lots of information on these available if you search on Google. I didn't realise there were any lying around still in situ like that.

BTW the batphone is a WB1400 carrier/receiver for the nuclear attack warning system we used to have. Lots of information on these available if you search on Google. I didn't realise there were any lying around still in situ like that.

Ashless explained it to me, very interesting. But it's still the Batphone! :)
Nice work fellas! I've always wanted to do Derby Police Station! Is the Art Deco Magistrates court accessible?

This station has been derelict for four years since the force moved to its new HQ in Chester Green. Wilson Bowden Developments have been given planning permission to demolish the 1960s part and build a 6 storey building with offices and four restaurants and some apartments. The Art Deco building is to be retained and restored.
nice pictures....i was only sayin today about whether you could get into the police station....i now know
Magistrates Court

Ashless had a prior engagement with the culvert, so had to head of. The_Revolution and I decided to investigate the Magistrate Court. Many thanks to ThenewMendoza for the tip off on the access here. This *may* have active security, I'll not say more than that in an open post. PM if you want info.

Main entrance

The back

The main entrance and hallways

Upstairs hallway, with the entrance to court one out of shot to the left, court two middle left, and court four to the left through the door at the end. To the right is a balcony, which has been boarded over.

Private corridor

Interview room


Panic button

From the roof

The Council Offices from the roof of the court

Court One

Court Two

Court Three (Juvenile Court)

Court Four

Unusual Skylight

The_Revolution - locked up as he should be

On the cell wall

Loads of great pics from the Police Station and the court, like the batphone and the old safe from the police station also the panic button from the court. Excellent report guys :)
Nice report & pics guys! Like the faded Newcastle Brown label on the beer bottle-gave me a thirst! ha ha! Good to see so many pics of both places too! :mrgreen:
Well done guys you have conquered "the beast" at last.Some great pictures and nice to see it generally in good condition still Nice work indeed:)
The Magistrates Court was built in the 1930s as part of Derby's 'Central Improvement Scheme' - perhaps one of the earliest examples of regeneration. The riverbank was full of dirty industrial buildings, these were all demolished, the road system redesigned with a new bridge over the River Derwent (Exeter Bridge) a new town hall (the council house) police station, bus station, riverside gardens, a block of flats (Exeter House) and riverside market. It was all designed by Charles Aslin whom was the 'borough architect' at the time (Queen Street Leisure Centre is another of his buildings).
The_Revolution - locked up as he should be

I think I'm more of a candidate for a padded cell. Especially as I seem to still follow you every time you say "we could climb up there" :lol:

The Magistrates Court was built in the 1930s as part of Derby's 'Central Improvement Scheme' - perhaps one of the earliest examples of regeneration. The riverbank was full of dirty industrial buildings, these were all demolished, the road system redesigned with a new bridge over the River Derwent (Exeter Bridge) a new town hall (the council house) police station, bus station, riverside gardens, a block of flats (Exeter House) and riverside market. It was all designed by Charles Aslin whom was the 'borough architect' at the time (Queen Street Leisure Centre is another of his buildings).

Cheers thompski; good bit of research there. Have you seen any of the books on Derby by Winters Photography (based on Midland Road)? Lots of interesting stuff about Derby; including photos of that area (there used to be a power station where the newer Police station is!)
Yeah i've seen the Power Station, good riddance I say!

Here's what will replace the 1960s police station...




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