Cane Hill - Nurses Block - October 2008 (A Noob Report)

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Power Junkie

Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
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Firstly, let me apologise if this report is shit, but basically, I'm a noob; this was my first Urbex jobbie; I was on my own...and probably out of my depth.

Okay, it was my frist trip to Couldson and as such, wasn't planned with perfect execution. I was slightly ill-prepared.
Did I say slightly? I didn't have a torch, nor did I have a map (other than a memory of Google Earth) and I didn't bring a packed lunch although I did find the remnants of a Chav Feast upstairs.

It didn't take too long to find the area I needed to be in, but as a noob, I kept thinking the worst and because of that, a simple 5 minute walk turned into something out of Lord of the Rings meets The Ninja Mission meets "I've been reading too much David Icke."

As I had no idea of the scale of things, I assumed that getting into the Nurse's block would lead to bigger and better things...foiled. It doesn't, so that's my reason for keeping this a simple report of The Nurse's Block.

Finding a way in wasn't hard, but as I was about to step inside, I suddenly realised how uncomfortable it was being alone.
Once in, I listened for ages for any giveaway signs or sounds of other people - I'm not sure what the Urbetiquette is, but I'm sure that creeping on up fellow Urbexer's who are one heartbeat away from soiled pants, is uncool and would probably result in a mouth full of tripod.
So, I simply followed what seemed a logical path and this, is the result of that path.

Some of the pictures are bollocks, and I apologise for that wholeheartedly, but it's a little tricky trying to be artistic when you're having a cardiac at every creak


I had a freaky experience by this door, but ridicule prevents me from posting it.


Plimsols...dig that word.


Okay, the reason for the bad angle, is because the way into the dungeon looking room was blocked and I had to do a Myspace style arm-outstretched into nothingness shot.





The grammar Nazi in me was "this" close to correcting the butchered palsied scrawl on the wall.










I spent the rest of the afternoon doing a reccie of the main site and feeling gutted that it wasn't as easy to get into.
Just in case any of you were in there and saw some dude trying not to stick out like a sore thumb make the odd attempt at testing the fence, I did finally make it over that bit but realised there was sod all I could do after.

I did however, find what I think is an Achilles Heel and am definitely going back to try it.
If I'm wrong, I'd seriously appreciate any help here as time is running out to get into this beautiful building.

One side seems to have brick work stripped away and tiles are being collected.
There is still plenty to see at Cane Hill and if anyone fancies going very soon, please let me know, or if any of you are going, I'd love to make up the numbers or if someone can just give me an ultra helpful pointer, I'd really appreciate it.

Anyway, hope this wasn't too long winded and boring, but I'm a noob so go gentle!
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Entertaining write-up and the photos aren't bad either. Not many people seem to explore the nurses block.
That's a great first report, i like it! Well written, good selection of photos and you've obviously read the guidelines for posting. Good to see some pictures from in there again - been ages since i was last there.
Like the pics and the write up.... a heart-beat away from a pant-accident and not a shaky piccie in sight. Well done you! If i went there on my own all my images would be from under something. Or behind something. You get the picture... :lol: Nice first post, keep up the good work :)
Thanks a lot for all the positive comments; much appreciated.
I have a bundle more photo's that I'll whack into this post as soon as I get the chance.

I was back only a few days ago in the pouring miserable rain (how's that for dedication...or PJ no mates?).
As I couldn't get into the main building, I ended up going back to the nurses block and taking loads of video footage of the main building on all floors and all rooms.

One of the windows had blue blast paper (builder's membrane) around it whilst another room had several layers of this sheeting covering the frame; the door; the windows; a make shift walk thru door out of the same material.
It looked like some sort of radiation tunnel, but I've been informed it was more than likely an asbestos thingie....yay for random lung damage.

If any of you folk are planning to do the nurses block, better make it quick as I think it'll be down sooner than later.

Eventually I ran into Zoltan, Hound of Dracula and his slightly inbred handler who looks like a masculine version of Steptoe. Now that, was scary.
It makes me realise how much I missed the last time I was there. I might have a final visit - my photographs weren't very good.
=D I like the amateur feel of these photo's... you all know me, I like my Lomo stuff =D !!

Really good work, I'm impressed, you get so much more empathy for pictures that aren't all singin' and dancin 29849802408509825 MegaPixel, HD, blah blah blah :p

You get my drift!

I like, its... spooky.

Really good work, I'm impressed, you get so much more empathy for pictures that aren't all singin' and dancin 29849802408509825 MegaPixel, HD, blah blah blah :p

I think odd angles, image noise and low lighting works with urbex shots. But i suppose every Urbexer is different in how they want to show in an image. Me personally, i'm from a photographic background (i call myself an Urbexertog) i like to try showing the building or site using simple photographic skills, mainly so the images dont look like snapshots taken with no thought.

Anyway, i like the corridor image. It does look like there's some fire damage in there or is it the B&W conversion? I've got a thing for symmetry, as well as reflections and diagonals.

Great report, it's a bit too far for me to get to in between shifts unfortunately. So its High Royds for me.
Well done fella

You did a good job for a noob on yer tod....sure hope you make it into the main part before its too late,its well worth it,and dont go exploring just to do arty farty stuff..for me personally I like to see a place for what it is and how it looks naturally...I only play with a pic if I have effed it up!
regards from Stu
Thanks again folks.

The arty farty thing was a joke.
I took the pictures mainly for myself with the hope that somebody else might like what I saw.
The only arty farty that I thought worked, was this one, and only because it's how it felt to me at the time.
The inside was so cold and lifeless.


I'm still salivating over the main building and itching to get in.
Hopefully I'll have enough video footage to put up a cracker on YouTube.
Went back today.
Long arsed story that I can't really post here due to rules etc, but here's what it looks like now, and this really is all that's left of it.
It'll probably be gone in a few days.

Such a shame.

Yep, noticed that myself yesterday - must have been pretty recent becasue it was all still there around 20th December! It was always the first building you noticed, the first sign that you were slipping back in time to 1991 (at least from the Brighton Road entrance).
Was it just me that felt sad looking at the shell?
Strange how we can get so attached to an old building that we really have no personal history with.
It makes me realise how much I missed the last time I was there. I might have a final visit - my photographs weren't very good.

We didn't miss anything. We saw all of that... well in any case, I remember everything from these pictures.

You're brave for venturing in there by yourself. While we were there, some idiots came and started throwing rocks at the windows with slingshots. No respect for the place whatsoever. Anyhow, nice report. The nurses' block is rarely reported on :)
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