Whilst travelling on a bus early on in the week, I saw that this tiny cottage in Colyford can be seen, now that the foliage has died back a bit. So on the return journey I got off the bus and managed to find a way through some of the undergrowth, although not inside the cottage itself. I've been told that this was once a farmhouse, although it seems much too small to me.
I wasn't sure if this was worthy of a post but after being heartily scratched, covered with half a hedge, thwacked across the forehead by a springy branch and up to my ankles in soft peat...I thought I may as well for my troubles!
Hope you enjoy the piccies anyway. 
Taken from across the road.
Through the hedge to the side, although the front could not be accessed at all due to the thick undergrowth.
Around the rear, what looks like a door porch at the the other end.
No, it's only an outhouse...probably an old privy.
And how it looked earlier on in the year.
I wasn't sure if this was worthy of a post but after being heartily scratched, covered with half a hedge, thwacked across the forehead by a springy branch and up to my ankles in soft peat...I thought I may as well for my troubles!

Taken from across the road.

Through the hedge to the side, although the front could not be accessed at all due to the thick undergrowth.

Around the rear, what looks like a door porch at the the other end.

No, it's only an outhouse...probably an old privy.

And how it looked earlier on in the year.