Built in 1960 this large BR Western region box controlled movements in the (then) brand new marshling yard to the east of Port Talbot.It was abandoned in late 1987 after rationalisation of the area and the opening of the new Knuckle Yard.Nearly 22 yrs later its decaying remains still stand guard to the west end of the soon to be closed Margam diesel depot !!
Looking west from the upper floor-the hole where the lever frame was once located can be seen.
Whats left of the downstairs locking room.
I think that this was a coal fired central heating boiler for the box ? Remember in the days before the lovely THATCHER was pm we had a coal industry in the UK,not to mention a steel industry,car industry,nationalised railway,council housing etc etc etc -----BITTER !! YOURE BLOODY RIGHT !!!:icon_evil
Looking west from the upper floor-the hole where the lever frame was once located can be seen.
Whats left of the downstairs locking room.
I think that this was a coal fired central heating boiler for the box ? Remember in the days before the lovely THATCHER was pm we had a coal industry in the UK,not to mention a steel industry,car industry,nationalised railway,council housing etc etc etc -----BITTER !! YOURE BLOODY RIGHT !!!:icon_evil